Spiritual Care within the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Chaplaincy at Ifema-COVID 19 Hospital





spiritual care, bioethics, chaplaincy, comprehensive care, dignity, pandemic, spirituality, suffering


Introduction: Human beings need to be cared comprehensively, which includes the spiritual care, specially in vulnerability. Methodology: Analysis of the bioethical fundamental for spiritual care and a survey on chaplaincy at Ifema-COVID 19 Hospital (Madrid). Theoretical framework: The unique and inalienable intrinsic dignity of human beings is the reason for the spiritual care; this becomes more necessary in illness, and indispensable in a situation of high vulnerability such as a pandemic. The pandemic spiritual needings constituted a challenge that was responded to with creativity, particularly relevant was the implementation of the Chaplaincy at the Ifema-COVID 19 Hospital. Survey: The survey carried out shows how spiritual care contributed to improving the integral well-being of the in-patients, and the importance of teamwork of the chaplaincy with the whole hospital services. Conclusions:  Spiritual care is part of the services to be offered to in-patients, as it is one of the key dimensions of the human being. This requires a specialised service, made up of a properly trained team integrated into the hospital.


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Author Biography

Gerardo Dueñas Pérez, Rey Juan Carlos University

D. from the International Doctoral School of the Rey Juan Carlos University, he has a Master's degree in Bioethics, specializing in spiritual accompaniment at the end of life and in patients with mental health problems. Since 2011 he has been Chaplain Coordinator of the Spiritual and Religious Care Service of the Dr. Rodríguez Lafora Hospital, Madrid, and since 2015 Episcopal Subdelegate for Health Pastoral Care of the Archdiocese of Madrid and member of the National Team of Health Pastoral Care of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. He is also currently a member of the Committee of the European Network of Healh Care Chaplaincy (ENHCC), where he represents the European Research Institute for Chaplains in Healthcare (ERICH), linked to the KU Leuven.


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How to Cite

Dueñas Pérez, G. (2024). Spiritual Care within the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Chaplaincy at Ifema-COVID 19 Hospital. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-828



Humanism and Social Sciences