Geography and SL for social, spatial, cultural, and territorial teaching at the university level




Service-Learning, geography didactics, university degree in geography, teaching proposal, active methodology, socio-spatial vision, Spanish higher education, course analysis


Introduction: The main objective of this work is to promote the study of complex processes and dynamics from a socio-spatial perspective, using the Service-Learning (ApS) methodology in Geography Degrees. Methodology: We systematically analyzed the teaching guides of compulsory, core and basic subjects taught in Geography Degrees in Spain, through key concepts, in order to evaluate the implementation of the ApS approach. Results: The analysis shows that the implementation of the ApS approach in Geography degrees in Spain has been limited. However, cases were identified in which this methodology has shown great potential for higher education. Discussion: Despite its scarce application, the ApS approach and other active methods have shown to be valuable tools for geographical study, with heterogeneous proposals that are coordinated in different areas of the field. Conclusions: The ApS methodology has great potential to enrich education in Geography Degrees, and it is recommended to expand its implementation and coordination with other active approaches at the university level.


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Author Biographies

Elena María Muñoz Espinosa, Autonomous University of Madrid

Degree in Environmental Sciences from the UAM, Master in Spatial Planning, Environment, Landscape and Sustainability and European Doctorate from the UCLM. Her professional and research experience is focused on environmental and landscape assessment, as well as on the imbrication of projects in the territory, related to the management of water landscapes and economic, social and cultural sustainability. Her main line of research deals with the Didactics of the environment, landscape and sustainability for the training of future teachers in the area of Social Sciences. She is currently a Permanent Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Department of Specific Didactics, Social Sciences Area. She is part of the Research Group Landscape, Heritage and Education of the UAM.

Alfonso Fernández-Arroyo López-Manzanares, Autonomous University of Madrid

Graduate in Geography and Land Management, Master in Research in Letters and Humanities and PhD in Research in Humanities, Arts and Education by the UCLM. His lines of research focus on the Didactics of Geography, Social Sciences and Humanities and the Social Geography of Tourism. She has actively collaborated in competitive research, innovation and transfer projects on Education, Geography and Landscape and Tourism. She is a member of the Research Group on Geohistorical Sources (IDE_GEOHIS) and the Research Group on Urban and Tourism Studies (URByTUR), both at the UAM. He currently teaches in the area of Human Geography, Department of Geography, in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UAM.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Espinosa, E. M., & Fernández-Arroyo López-Manzanares, A. (2024). Geography and SL for social, spatial, cultural, and territorial teaching at the university level. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



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