Problems of Tourism Sustainability in Protected Areas: Cultural Banalization of the Poqueira Valley




Protected Natural Spaces, Tourist Sustainability, Sierra Nevada, Reason for the Trip, Local Culture, Cultural Banalization, Tourist characterization, Tourist Model


Introduction: This paper studies the main characteristics of tourism in the Barranco del Poqueira to see if it responds to a sustainable and balanced tourism model that contributes to the conservation of the natural, social and cultural environment and is carried out by the local population. Methodology: In order to find out the accommodation, catering and shopping habits of tourists as well as their perception of the prevailing tourist model and the reception by the local population, social research techniques have been used based on surveys designed around a series of thematic axes analysed through descriptive statistics and contingency tables to study cross variables. Results and discussion: It has been detected that despite the fact that the population is friendly towards tourism and that it has an impact on the local economy, the model shows signs of economic monoculture where traditional activities have a residual presence. Conclusions: Tourists value the landscape, traditional architecture and local culture, but there is a significant cultural trivialisation, as a large part of the crafts are of foreign origin, with artisan products, local menus and rural accommodation playing an increasingly residual role.


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Author Biography

Belén Pérez-Pérez, University of Granada

Belén Pérez Pérez is author or co-author of more than twenty papers, with 10 scientific articles in journals indexed in Scimago (2 in Q1, 1 in Q2, 2 in Q3 and 5 in Q4), of which 8 are also indexed in JCR. In addition, he has published 2 books, 12 book chapters, all of them in publishers included in SPI. He has also participated in 15 research projects, 8 of them international and 7 national. Co-directs a doctoral thesis entitled “Challenges of a Renewable and Circular Energy Transition: Energy Policy, Territorial Planning and Environmental Management in the field of Renewable Energies in Andalusia” together with the researcher María Pilar Díaz Cuevas. He has made 4 stays abroad with a total duration of 7 months in research centers of recognized prestige in France and Austria. In knowledge transfer he has published 9 contributions, has participated in several Impronta actions between UGR and Diputación de Granada to improve the sustainability of rural populations, participated with knowledge transfer workshops in the Science Week of the UGR, in the Geography Night, participated in citizen science actions of the UGR and contributed to the weather forecast of the film “La Sociedad de la Nieve” by J.A. Bayona. It has also organized 3 Conferences on Energy Planning, Energy Sustainability and Energy Communities for citizens and 2 on Spatial Planning and the new Law to Promote the Sustainability of the Territory of Andalusia.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Pérez, B. (2024). Problems of Tourism Sustainability in Protected Areas: Cultural Banalization of the Poqueira Valley. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



Humanism and Social Sciences