Traditional and debate-focused flipped methodology in the teaching of “English Narrative”




Flipped learning, English Narrative, debate-focused flipped classoom, tertiary level education, teaching methodology, autonomous learning, Charles Dickens, E. M. Forster


Introduction: This research presents a practice of flipped learning for the subject of “English Narrative”, taught in the degree of Modern Languages at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Methodology: A group of 25 students has received two variants of this methodology: traditional and debate-focused flipped classroom to study two recognised writers of English literature: Charles Dickens and E. M. Forster. Results: Dickens’s lesson has followed a traditional flipped classroom, where the group has seen a presentation about the novelist and his work made by the teacher outside class. The time spent in the face-to-face session has been devoted to doing specific exercises and deepening into the author’s style. Forster’s lesson has applied a debate-focused flipped learning, where the group has also seen a similar presentation. The questions are oriented towards the contrast of ideas to generate a discussion in class that favours the exchange of opinions. Discussion: The evaluation of this experience has been performed by means of questionnaires in which the methodology of flipped learning has been preferred over the more traditional one, even though the latter is largely valued. Conclusions: The students’ suggestions will be considered when applying this methodology to most authors of “English Narrative”.


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Author Biography

Margarita Esther Sánchez Cuervo, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Margarita-Esther Sánchez-Cuervo es Profesora Titular adscrita al Departamento de Filología Moderna, Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, donde enseña las asignaturas de “Narrativa inglesa” y “Narrativa audiovisual”. Realizó su tesis doctoral en la Universidad de Granada sobre la argumentación retórica en los ensayos de Virginia Woolf. Ha publicado artículos en revistas como Nordic Journal of English Studies, Neophilologus y Renascence, y capítulos de libros en editoriales de prestigio tanto españolas como internacionales. En la actualidad forma parte de un proyecto de investigación nacional dedicado al estudio de textos instructivos ingleses escritos por mujeres del siglo XIX. Sus líneas de investigación se relacionan con el estudio de mujeres, y el análisis retórico y fílmico.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cuervo, M. E. (2024). Traditional and debate-focused flipped methodology in the teaching of “English Narrative”. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.




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