AI as a differential value in business: 123compareme case study




Artificial intelligence, generative artificial intelligence, conversational artificial intelligence, Marketing, innovation, technology, software, hospitality


Introduction: The past decade has witnessed the emergence of a new business paradigm based on data and technology, in which artificial intelligence (AI) has become a valuable ally of organisations. Objetive: One of the disciplines that has most frequently employed AI is marketing. This research article analyses the application of generative AI and conversational AI systems as key tools in the value creation of a company, significantly improving its competitive position through the design of innovative products and services. Methodology: In order to achieve the desired outcomes, the success case methodology is employed. This methodology entails identifying the factors that contributed to the success of the case, determining the effective strategies used, and studying and understanding the circumstances that led to success in a given context. Results: The findings of the research substantiate the assertion that artificial intelligence is a generator of business value. Discusión: In a market characterised by fragmentation, enhancing an organisation's competitive positioning is crucial for its continued existence. The incorporation of AI systems into its products is emerging as a key differentiating factor in the definition of its offering. Conclusions: The findings support the assertion that organisations that adopt this new technological paradigm will achieve superior outcomes due to their ability to adapt to a dynamic and technologically sophisticated environment.


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Author Biographies

María Luisa Fanjul Fernández, European University of Madrid

Degree in Political Science and Public Administration (UCM), MBA (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, University Expert in Tourism and Marketing (UNED), DEA in Tourism Policy (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and UNWTO) and PhD in Strategy and Marketing from the University of Castilla La Mancha. She is an academic by vocation, with more than 22 years of experience in the university world and more than 12 years in the communication field. Currently, María Luisa is responsible for Septeo's communication for Spain and Portugal and professor in the Marketing Degree and the Master in Digital Entrepreneurship at the European University of Madrid.

Francisco José Pradana Pérez, European University of Madrid

Graduate in Advertising Communication, Master in Communication Management (URJC) and PhD student in Communication (UVigo). Professor of the Department of Communication and Postgraduate Director at the European University of Madrid, where he directs the Master's Degree in E-Commerce Management and the Master's Degree in Product Management and Digital Strategy. His research interests focus on organizational communication and marketing and applied technology. She is a member of the Communication, Society and Organizations (IMPACTA) research group at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Communication Sciences of the UEM.

Alejandro Barceló Hernando, Instituto de Emprendimiento Avanzado

PhD in Sports Sciences, by the UAH, UL and UV, Master in Restoration, Rehabilitation and Management of Architectural Heritage by the UAH, Appraiser and Judicial Expert of works of Art, member of the Scientific Committee of the Museum of the Game and Academic Director at the Institute of Advanced Entrepreneurship (IEAvanzado). The latest research has focused on the compatibility of cultural heritage as a tourist resource, as well as the recovery of sports leisure from the point of view of the new generations creating lines of cross-cutting research on Cultural Heritage, leisure and sport, sociology and tourism marketing in relation to changes in tourism and cultural consumption habits of society.

Pau Ferret Alcaraz, 123compareme

Pau Ferret Alcaraz is an analytical and versatile executive with extensive experience leading the full spectrum of sales, marketing, revenue growth, business development and key account management for digital technology start-ups. Pau has a 20+ year career in technology start-ups and scale-ups, from telecom to software. Ferret brings to companies a global approach based on solving real problems that no one has dared before, and on a go-to-market based on exclusive channels and a very close relationship with customers.


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How to Cite

Fanjul Fernández, M. L., Pradana Pérez, F. J., Barceló Hernando, A., & Ferret Alcaraz, P. (2024). AI as a differential value in business: 123compareme case study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Research and Artificial Intelligence