Public policies on the ‘bad poor’ and the fight against begging and idleness




public policy, bad poor, begging, vagrancy, idleness, repression, mandatory work, punishment


Introduction: With this study we intend to analyse a historical-evolutionary aspect of work. Methodology: As for the methodology, we resorted to documentary analysis, particularly legal sources and part of the doctrine, in order to understand the historical representation of the labour force and its use in the service of certain ideals of the State. Results: We saw that the State used compulsory work as a virtue, as a repressive strategy and as an instrument of public prosperity, of fighting bad social habits, against the search for an “easy life” and inertia. The distinction between ‘bad poor’ and ‘good poor’ has been a constant since the Alfonsine Ordinances, with the adoption of public policies to combat idleness, repress begging and suppress vagrancy. The labour force constituted a means of individual and family subsistence and of controlling the flight of citizens from rural areas. Discussion: We concluded that the work took on a regenerative bias for non-ill people and those capable of working due to their age. The sick, elderly, orphans or disabled benefited from the charitable attitude of the State that allowed them to beg and that nowadays work is not a duty but a right and that vagrancy in itself is not punished. Conclusions: Nowadays, work is not a duty but a right and vagrancy in itself is not punished.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Guimarães, Universidade Portucalense

Doctor of Laws in Legal Sciences, Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (UPT), Porto, Portugal; Master in Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of University of Coimbra, Portugal; Associate Professor, Department of Law, UPT Department of Law at UPT; Lecturer in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Economic Criminal Law Economic Criminal Law; Researcher at the Instituto Jurídico Portucalense in the "People" research area; Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the UPT Law Department; Member of the Member of the Evaluation Committee of the 1st Law Cycle of the UPT Law Department; Author of several scientific articles and book chapters; publication of the master's dissertation and doctoral thesis. 

Fernanda Rebelo, Universidade Portucalense

Post-Doctorate in Human Rights from the University of Salamanca. PhD in Law from the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (UPT), Porto, Portugal; Master of Laws from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal; Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in the Academic Course of the Doctoral Programme of the University of Vigo; Associate Professor in the Department of Law at UPT; Lecturer in Human Rights; Consumer Law, Civil Law, Law of Obligations, and Commercial Law; Coordinator of the "People" Research Group of the Portucalense Legal Institute, integrated researcher and member of the Board of Directors of the same Institute; member of the Technical-Scientific Committee and member of the Evaluation Committee of the 1st Cycle of Law of the Department of Law of the University of Vigo. Author of publications - scientific articles, book chapters and monographic studies - in the same areas of teaching and research.



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How to Cite

Guimarães, A. P., & Rebelo, F. (2024). Public policies on the ‘bad poor’ and the fight against begging and idleness. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



Humanism and Social Sciences