Dermatoglyphic profile and physical qualities of students in a musical initiation program




Dermatoglyphics, dermatoglyphic profile, physical qualities, musical abilities, music, musical interpretation, musical education, musical initiation


Introduction: The relationship between physical qualities and dermatoglyphic patterns), total lines) and total have been identified. of deltas . Musical performance is a physical activity that requires physical qualities to play an instrument. This is why the objective of this study is to identify the dermatoglyphic profile associated with the physical qualities of students of the musical initiation program. Methodology: The design is non-experimental, descriptive comparative cross-sectional. 27 students aged 4 to 8 years participated. Dermatoglyphic predominance, LQTS and D10 were identified. Results: The dermatoglyph found in the students who continued with a musical instrument was ALW, in the students who did not continue it corresponded to L>W.  The LQTS is lower in students who will continue studying music. The D10 of both groups is between 10 and 15. Discussion: The results obtained differ from those of Adekoya et al (2013), who relate bow with musical intelligence and agree with Yohannes et al. (2015) who relates musical ability to whorls in the left hand. Conclusions: the predominant dermatoglyph in students who continue studying the instrument is related to coordination and strength.


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Author Biographies

Francisca Carrasco Lavado, Universidad Adventista de Chile

Speech therapist, graduate in Neurosciences of education, graduate in inclusion and diversity in the classroom, Master in didactics and pedagogy of music. Teacher of music pedagogy at the Adventist University of Chile and teacher at the Claudio Arrau León Artistic School in Chillán.

Jazmín Pérez Serey, Universidad Adventista de Chile

D. in Human Motor Sciences, Diploma in Statistics and Scientific Research, Speech therapist and music teacher specializing in singing. Director of Phonoaudiology at Universidad del Alba-Chile, Professor with 20 years of academic experience in specialty subjects (voice and singing) and undergraduate degree and guiding graduate theses at Universidad del Alba, Universidad Andrés Bello-Concepción and Universidad Adventista de Chile. She stands out as a researcher in the areas of education, voice and language. She collaborates with the Direction of research Udalba-Chile and participates in research nucleus Udalba-Chillán. She collaborates in the Erasmus-Cielo Project developed in Chile between Udalba and Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Participation in research projects for the School of Music of the Unach in lines of education, voice and music.


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How to Cite

Carrasco Lavado, F., & Pérez Serey, J. (2024). Dermatoglyphic profile and physical qualities of students in a musical initiation program. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



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