Canva as a tool to promote meaningful learning in the teaching of English as a foreign language




canva, meaningful learning, english second language, teaching strategies, educational technology, EFL, language teaching, new technologies and teaching


Introduction: In the digital era, integrating innovative tools like Canva is essential for teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This article explores how Canva can promote meaningful learning by creating attractive and personalized educational materials. Methodology: An analytical-descriptive methodology was used, based on a review of existing literature on the use of Canva in education. The research is grounded in empirical studies and practical experiences in EFL classrooms. Results: The results indicate that Canva increases student motivation and engagement. The tool allows for the creation of visual and personalized materials that enhance information retention and develop creativity, collaboration, and communication. Discussions: The incorporation of Canva in EFL classes offers significant benefits, including increased student motivation and participation. However, it also presents challenges related to access to technology and teacher training. Conclusions: Canva is an effective tool for meaningful learning in EFL. Its ability to create attractive and personalized materials makes it a valuable resource. With adequate support, this tool can transform EFL teaching, providing a dynamic and enriching learning experience.


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Author Biography

Sandra Moro Ramos, Valencian International University

Teacher with extensive experience in education and teacher training, standing out for her dedication and commitment to teaching English as a foreign language. She has been working as a teacher of Foreign Language (English) in Primary Education for twenty years. At the university level, she teaches on the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education at the University Isabel I and at the International University of Valencia (VIU), teaching in the latter also in the Early Childhood Education Degree. In addition, she complements her teaching work with research, having written several articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Her background reflects a practical approach to education and teacher training.


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How to Cite

Moro Ramos, S. (2024). Canva as a tool to promote meaningful learning in the teaching of English as a foreign language. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.


