Intergenerational learning and digital tools for university teaching
intergenerational learning, intergenerational relationships, teaching, university, generational disparity, digital tools, educational innovation, technologiesAbstract
Introduction: The integration of digital tools in university education has been gaining ground during the 21st century, considering the variety of working age groups. This paper explores the potential of technologies for intergenerational learning among university teachers, considering the existing challenges and opportunities. Methodology: A bibliographic analysis of 25 documents from various databases is carried out using PRISMA methodology along with other complementary documents. Results: Digital tools have increased their relevance in education since the COVID-19 pandemic, which, in turn, has generated an intergenerational disparity in use. Discussions: On the one hand, younger teachers are more familiar with technology, while older teachers may be reluctant to apply it in their educational practice. This disparity also raises institutional opportunities to strengthen intergenerational relationships, whether through digital trainings, mentoring, collaborative spaces, correct use of AIs, other emerging tools, etc. Conclusions: This leads us to conclude both that universities should foster fruitful and respectful intergenerational relationships with the help of digital tools, as well as exploit the teaching potential of their professors, and that teachers should be willing to learn from and collaborate with their colleagues.
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