Impact and reach in Influencer Marketing: Analysis of Hyundai's Goal of the Century campaign on Instagram




influencer, digital marketing, social marketing, green marketing, social media, Instagram, Hyundai brand, BTS


Introduction: Digital marketing is a strategy that brands cannot leave aside, since, with the Internet and social networks, they have greater reach. The objective of this work is to analyze the marketing tactics implemented in the Instagram account of the car brand Hyundai during the Goal of the Century campaign. Through the campaign it seeks to convey the commitment as a green brand. Methodology: The methodology used is mixed, the publications of the Instagram account of the brand are monitored through the analysis tool Fanpage Karma, and a direct observation is made to each publication. The research questions are: 1. What is the role of the influencer within the campaign tactics? And 2. What are the campaign tactics that generate the most interest from users on Instagram? Results: The results demonstrate different strategies and tactics, the one that stands out is influencer marketing. Discussion: Influencers work to convey the brand message and attract user attention. Conclusions: A digital marketing plan was used on Instagram and demonstrated the relevance of influencer marketing in a campaign with a social focus.


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Author Biographies

Lilia Carpio Jiménez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master in Visual Arts Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. University professor in the subjects Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, and Image Theory. He belongs to the Department of Communication Sciences of the UTPL, researches issues of art, design, photography, image, social networks and gender. Her line of research is related to Communication, Culture and Audiovisual Aesthetics. She is part of the research group Communication and Audiovisual Culture.

Evelyn Ayala-Armas, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Social Communicator from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, soon to graduate from a Master's Degree in Marketing with a specialization in Digital Strategy. Expert in management of commercial and logistics departments, development of customer databases and implementation of innovative sales strategies. Highly motivated, creative and passionate about communication, research and analysis.

Rosario Puertas-Hidalgo, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Professor at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador, in the Department of Communication Sciences. Professor of Higher Technology in Strategic Communication and digital marketing; in the Master's Degree in Strategic Communication, mention in Digital Communication. She is part of the Strategic Communication Management Research Group, in which she researches on digital marketing, web positioning, data analysis, web analytics tools and social analytics.


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How to Cite

Carpio Jiménez, L., Ayala-Armas, E., & Puertas-Hidalgo, R. (2024). Impact and reach in Influencer Marketing: Analysis of Hyundai’s Goal of the Century campaign on Instagram. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



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