Design and Validation of a Perception Instrument for Educational Communities on the Stimulation of 21st- Century Skills in Students within the School System




instrument, questionnaire, validation, perception, 21st-century skills, educational communities, students, school system


Introduction: The objective was to design and validate an instrument that measures the perception of educational communities on the stimulation of 21st- Century Skills in students. Methodology: Complementary. Content validation was conducted with 10 experts using the Delphi method, achieving a consensus of Cns = .525. Reliability yielded a Cronbach's Alpha of α = .919. Construct validity was determined through exploratory factor analysis with a sample of 173 subjects from five educational institutions in the Ñuble and Biobío regions of Chile. Results: The KMO test resulted in .896 and Bartlett's test of sphericity showed a p < .000. Factor analysis identified four factors explaining 65.89% of the total variance, configuring the instrument into four dimensions: Social, Emotional, Digital, and Cognitive, with a total of 19 items. Discussion: The instrument has high reliability and a robust factor structure; however, qualitative studies are recommended to complement its applicability in educational contexts. Conclusion: The instrument presents adequate content and construct validity, assuring its use in studies related to the perception of educational communities and 21st-Century Skills.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio Salamanca - Garay, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

The author has a PhD in Education from the Doctorate Program in Education in Consortium (UCM-UCSC-UCT-UBB) specializing in Educational Research and Innovation, he also has a Master in Education from the University of Concepción (UDEC), Master in Social Innovation Learning By Helping (Barcelona), Professor of Philosophy at the University of Concepción (UDEC) and Doctoral Fellow (ANID-Folio / 21170028). His line of research is in Innovation and Development in Education in different areas such as: Development of Skills for the XXI Century in Education, Innovative Methodologies of Teaching - Learning, Use of ICT in Teaching - Learning processes and Epistemology.

Emilio Sagredo - Lillo, San Sebastián University

He holds a PhD in Psychology of Communication and Change from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Barcelona (Ph.D. C&C.) and a PhD in Education from the Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception. He holds several master's degrees: in Psychology, Educational Management and Management Excellence. He is a teacher of Special Education and Psychologist. He has academic and research experience in Chilean and foreign universities and has served as head of career.


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How to Cite

Salamanca - Garay, I., & Sagredo - Lillo, E. (2024). Design and Validation of a Perception Instrument for Educational Communities on the Stimulation of 21st- Century Skills in Students within the School System. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



Research articles