Teaching training in Early Childhood education. Pedagogical Keys





DUA, teacher training, early childhood education, didactic proposals, training needs, educational inclusion, age characteristics, Pedagogical keys


Introduction: In Spain, LOMLOE (Law to reform the organic law of education, 2020) has prescribed the use of the UDL (Universal Learning Design) approach, as a key tool for educational inclusion, based on its use in didactic processes. At different stages, teachers seek its implementation but, in Early Childhood Education, teacher training needs appear, both to understand the UDL approach and to learn how to adjust their models to the stage. That is the objective of this study: to identify the keys to the value and training standards of teachers. Methodology: Following the first phase of the Didactic Engineering method, we address interviews for active and initial training teachers, as well as an analysis of the training proposals from the government of Navarra. Results: The results obtained show that the level of UDL training of teachers is limited and that the official continuous training offer is insufficient, which poses challenges for the viability and operability of the approach in educational practice. Discussions: We focus the discussion on determining the formative pedagogical keys. Conclusions: A conclusion drawn is that pedagogical and didactic training on UDL requires the creation of tools for modelling and socializing the experience of successful UDL proposals.


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Author Biographies

Ana Gabriela Onoiu, Public University of Navarre

Ana Gabriela Onoiu, is currently pursuing a PhD Program in Humanities and Social Sciences at the Public University of Navarra, where she is researching New Approaches to Teaching in Early Childhood Education. She has completed a Master's Degree in Educational Sciences at the University of Bucharest (2012-2014) and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences with a specialization in Pedagogy of Primary and Early Childhood Education (2009-2012). She has worked as a teacher of Early Childhood Education at the Theoretical Institute “Mihai Ionescu” in Bucharest. She has also participated in conferences and educational symposiums in Pamplona.

Olga Belletich Ruiz, Public University of Navarre

Olga Belletich Ruíz is a professor in the area of Didactics and School Organization at the Public University of Navarra. She teaches in the Teacher's Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education, and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education. She has a degree in Education Sciences and a European Doctorate in Pedagogy from the Public University of Navarra (UPNA). She has completed specialization masters in teacher training and educational management. She has taught at various educational stages and, since 1991, she specializes in the training of future teachers and educational quality. She participates in educational innovation projects and has published more than forty scientific productions. In addition, he has held various educational management positions and is a member of several national and international research projects.


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How to Cite

Onoiu, A. G., & Belletich Ruiz, O. (2024). Teaching training in Early Childhood education. Pedagogical Keys. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-888


