Places of coexistence for street arts in historic centers




Cultural manifestations, Art in public spaces, Historical centers, Place identity, Appropriation of space, Popular culture, Social identity, Built heritage


Introduction: This research explores the mediating role of the arts in the relationships between human beings and their habitat, focusing on urban cultural manifestations. As a case study, it analyzes “Bonyé”, a popular music event that takes place every Sunday in the Historic Center of Santo Domingo. Methodology: An ethnographic methodology was used with participant observation and semi-structured interviews with artists, organizers, spectators and local and foreign visitors. Results: The study revealed that the landscape, the route and the shape of the space, together with local artistic expressions, are crucial for the permanence of the event. Processes of appropriation of the place by the collectivity were identified, highlighting the importance of having spaces that manifest their culture. Conclusions: The combination of cultural manifestations and built heritage offers opportunities to develop projects that value local culture and promote coexistence.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Ascuasiati Dominguez, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

Alejandro Ascuasiati received his PhD in Arts from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico in 2020. He has developed management and research projects aimed at the promotion and development of culture in the Dominican Republic in collaboration with various institutions such as the World Bank, Cabinet of Social Policy and Ministry of Culture. He completed a Master's Degree in Multimedia Communication at APEC University and a Specialization in University Pedagogy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, PUCMM.

As an architecture professional, he has been active in the practice since he graduated from the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Dominican Republic, UNPHU in 1985.

He has had the opportunity to participate in the design, direction and execution of projects for the human habitat on multiple scales, from domestic furniture to urban planning.

In the artistic field, he has collaborated with scenography and art direction in numerous works of scenic art and mass shows, theater and television, for which he has received important awards.

As an academic, he has taught undergraduate and graduate courses for more than 30 years. He is currently a professor of academic career of the PUCMM and has participated as a lecturer and expert in numerous national and international conferences.


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How to Cite

Ascuasiati Dominguez, A. (2024). Places of coexistence for street arts in historic centers. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Humanism and Social Sciences