Feminist approach in research to build knowledge for the promotion of women's right to a safe city





Feminist research, Women's right to the city, Safe city, Urban design with a gender perspective, Feminist urbanism, Jane's Walks, Inclusive public spaces, Cartographies of insecurity


Introduction: Feminist research seeks to understand women's experiences in order to identify inequalities and improve their condition. This study analyzes how public urban spaces enable the full exercise of women's right to the city, with a focus on safety and comfort. Methodology: A qualitative methodology was used, including literature review, participant observation and interviews. Through an exploratory walk, based on “Jane's Walks”, the conditions of urban spaces that influence women's safety were evaluated. Results: The study confirmed that factors such as lighting, legibility, presence of people, and good physical and environmental conditions contribute to women's perception of safety both day and night. Conclusions: Women's right to the city is linked to perception of safety, and there are clear differences between men's and women's urban experience, highlighting the need for infrastructure for care.


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Author Biography

Leyda Mercedes Brea Sencion, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

She studied Architecture at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, R.D. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Murcia, Spain. She also completed a Master's Degree in Project Management at the University of Quebec, Canada and a Specialization in Public Policy and Gender Justice at FLACSO. She has vast experience in architectural and urban project management as well as in academic and curricular development. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses and has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank for Integrated Women's Empowerment Services. Her research focuses on people's sense of belonging to the environments where they develop their lives, as well as on socio-urban aspects with a gender perspective.


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How to Cite

Brea Sencion, L. M. (2024). Feminist approach in research to build knowledge for the promotion of women’s right to a safe city. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-892



Humanism and Social Sciences