Corporate social responsibility, ESG criteria and their communication in the Spanish textile industry




Corporate Social Responsibility, communication, brand strength, environment, sustainable development, circular economy, SDGs, ESG criteria


Introduction: The aim of this article is to analyse the relationship between companies' communication on sustainability and its impact on consumers' imagination, in order to assess the extent to which these variables are aligned. The study focuses on three Spanish textile companies: Inditex, Mango and Adolfo Domínguez. Methodology: A mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology was used in order to respond to the objectives and to subscribe or reject the initial hypotheses. Results: The three companies analysed represent outstanding examples of how large Spanish fashion companies can integrate ESG criteria into their operations and how these practices are perceived by customers. Discussions: Their study provides a solid basis for understanding best practices and challenges in implementing and communicating sustainable strategies in the textile industry. Conclusions: There is a significant gap between companies' sustainability actions and the perception of consumers, who receive biased information mainly through social media and retail outlets, rather than annual reports.


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Author Biographies

Belén Ramírez Barredo, Complutense University of Madrid

Assistant Professor at the UCM, in the Marketing Department. Her lines of research focus on the relationship between advertising, film and graphic design, branding and brand communication in a broad sense, and ethics and deontology of communication. Member of the Scientific Association Icono 14. Member of the Consolidated Research Group ICOIDI (USP-CEU) and the Socmedia Research Group (UCM). Researcher of the Erasmus+ Project 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089546 - Nutrition and WellBeing Fact Checking for HE - NUTRIWELLB. His knowledge transfer activities include collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism in the design of the covers of the magazine Economía Industrial.

Beatriz Guerrero González-Valerio, Universidad San Pablo CEU

Adjunct Professor at the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid. Accredited. Member of the consolidated research group ICOIDI (Research in Communication through Image and Design). PhD in Communication from the University CEU San Pablo. She combines university teaching and research, especially in fashion communication and photography and documentary photography in Spain. Professor of various subjects related to Photography and Aesthetics in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University CEU San Pablo. Her teaching activity has been parallel to management, directs the Master in Fashion and Beauty Communication Telva / Yo Dona of the University San Pablo-CEU, for XV editions.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Barredo, B., & Guerrero González-Valerio, B. (2024). Corporate social responsibility, ESG criteria and their communication in the Spanish textile industry. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Research articles