Artificial Intelligence in education: teachers' perspectives and knowledge




Artificial intelligence (AI), Large language models, teaching, perceptions, knowledge, education, learning, educational technologies


Introduction: This study explored the knowledge and perceptions of teachers regarding AI and large language models (LLM), in the framework of a collaborative project between the Universidad de las Américas de Chile and the Secretaría Ministerial de Educación de Valparaíso. Methodology: A questionnaire of 13 questions was used, applied to 41 teachers. The analysis of the results was carried out from a mixed design perspective. Results: Teachers showed enthusiasm towards AI rather than fear, recognizing a superficial knowledge of LLM. The pandemic changed their perception of educational technologies, and the main obstacle identified was Internet access. Discussion: Teachers do not clearly differentiate between AI tools and virtual environments, and the need to improve their training in this new context was observed. No significant differences were found between teachers in rural and urban areas. Conclusions: There is a need to advance in teacher training on AI and to update teaching and evaluation practices that are considered obsolete in this technological context.


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Author Biography

Paola Carolina Espejo Aubá, Universidad de las Américas

Physical Education Teacher, Master in Education and PHD Candidate in Education and ICT. Professional with vast experience in Higher Education, both in the academic and management fields, where she has served in management positions of responsibility, leading groups of collaborators and students oriented towards the development of people and their capabilities, in the pursuit of excellence. With experience in institutional and career accreditations, collaborative work with other Chilean and foreign institutions, management and operational control of large budgets, design and formulation of academic projects and development models, student relations and their representations. Academic, teacher and presenter, specialist in Online Education, evaluation, methodologies for virtual learning environments and Artificial Intelligence in education.


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How to Cite

Espejo Aubá, P. C. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in education: teachers’ perspectives and knowledge. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.


