Individual differences that affect interaction in the German as a foreign language classroom




foreign language acquisition, task-based approach, willingness to communicate, communicative competence, task engagement, interaction, classroom research, foreign language teaching


Introduction: This study explores the willingness to communicate (WTC), perceived communicative competence (PCC), and task engagement (TE) of German as foreign language learners (N = 59). Methodology: Using a Likert scale questionnaire, a correlation analysis was carried out in order to explore the relationships between these three individual difference variables. Results: The analysis found statistically significant evidence that WTC, PCC, and TE are positively correlated. The strongest relationships were detected between the PCC and the WTC as well as between the PCC and the TE. Discussions: The results highlight the importance of PCC for oral peer interactions. Previous research indicates that PCC is a crucial predictor for WTC. Conclusions: These findings can provide a better understanding of the complex relationship between the phenomena that were studied and can serve as an incentive for teachers to improve the PCC of their learners in the foreign language classroom.


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Author Biographies

Natalie Kirchhoff, University of Cádiz

I worked as a language assistent of German as a foreign language at the University of Cádiz during the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 academic years. From 2010 to 2016 I was a teacher of German as a foreign language at the Center for Modern Languages (University of Cádiz). Since February 2016, I have been a lecturer of German as a foreign language in the area of German Philology of the Department of English and French Philology (University of Cádiz). From 2013 to the present I belong to the Research Group “Teaching foreign languages: materials for a new curricular design”. I have published eleven book chapters and three research articles, all closely related to the teaching and acquisition of second and foreign languages.

Raúl Dávila-Romero, University of Cádiz

I began my teaching career at the Universität des Saarlandes (Germany). After five semesters as a lecturer of Spanish language and culture in Germany, I obtained a scholarship to carry out my doctoral thesis at the University of Cádiz, where I currently continue working as a lecturer of German as a foreign language. Language acquisition in the foreign language context has been my main field of activity in both teaching and research. I belong to the research group “Foreign language teaching: materials for a new curricular design”, from which we propose methodological approaches that allow the advances made in the field of foreign language acquisition in educational environments to be brought to the classrooms.


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How to Cite

Kirchhoff, N., & Dávila-Romero, R. (2024). Individual differences that affect interaction in the German as a foreign language classroom. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.


