Innovative communication strategies to enhance Corporate Social Responsibility




business communication, innovation, Corporative Social Responsibility, sustainability, sustainable development, positive impact, strategies, Ecuador


Introduction: Companies face the challenge of adapting to a constantly changing business environment, so the objective of this work is to investigate how the implementation of innovative communication strategies can influence the perception and impact of Corporate Social Responsibility in organizations. Methodology: This study is based on a mixed approach that integrates qualitative and quantitative methods that includes the application of surveys and interviews. Results: The interviews revealed outstanding practices by the stakeholders, who define that CSR is a commitment to sustainability and responsibility that involves everyone. The surveys showed that 60% of employees are not aware of CSR initiatives, 40% of customers consider that CSR activities greatly influence their purchasing decision, 55% of suppliers mention that CSR greatly affects their business relationship and 70% of investors consider that business communication is effective. Discussion: The contributions of CSR and the application of innovative communication strategies were contrasted. Conclusions: The research highlights the role that innovative business communication plays in the transformation of Corporate Social Responsibility. 


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Author Biographies

Yesenia Miranda Fonseca, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Tecnología

Yesenia Miranda Fonseca is a communications professional with extensive experience in corporate communications, crisis management, social media strategies, and strategic communication. She has worked as a scriptwriter and speaker, and is currently dedicated to teaching at higher education institutions and corporate communications. She excels in the organization of events and awareness campaigns, demonstrating her ability to connect with the public and transmit effective messages. Her commitment to continuous professional and academic development positions her as an expert in corporate communications, social media, and digital journalism.

Tania Flores Valdiviezo, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Tecnología

Tania Flores Valdiviezo is a distinguished professional and specialist in graphic design and audiovisual communication, with a notable experience in digital post-production, video editing and special effects. As a teacher, she has authored several academic programs and currently teaches classes at higher education institutions. Her career includes work in television channels and marketing departments, where she has applied her creative talent. Currently, she is the director of the Audiovisual Design and Production area of ​​the marketing department at her workplace. In addition, she is passionate about photography and illustration, using art and technology as a reflection of her commitment to justice and cultural expression.


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How to Cite

Miranda Fonseca, Y., & Flores Valdiviezo, T. (2024). Innovative communication strategies to enhance Corporate Social Responsibility. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.


