Satisfaction with university studies: A multivariate study




University education, Academic procrastination, Emotional exhaustion, University students, Satisfaction with studies, challenges, SEM model, technology


Introduction: Satisfaction with university studies is influenced by various variables, that is why the article analyzes satisfaction with studies in university students to achieve the objective set at the end of their professional career. Methodology: Responds to a quantitative approach study using the Structural Equations Model (SEM), with factors involved in satisfaction with The studies, faced with the uncertainties of academic procrastination and emotional exhaustion with a sample of 1.124 students from the Universidad Peruana Unión, analyzed cases to which a structured survey was applied, based on 25 items with a Likert scale. Results: It was proven that in the university reality there is an influence of academic procrastination and emotional exhaustion on satisfaction with studies, due to the postponement of activities. Discussion: The SEM model mentions that academic procrastination in its postponement of activities factor with emotional exhaustion and has a negative or inverse impact on satisfaction with studies. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between academic procrastination and emotional exhaustion with a RMSEA=0,050, CFI=0,952, χ^2⁄DF=3,84 acceptable under an SEM model with satisfaction with studies in university students.


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Author Biographies

Jaimin Murillo-Antón, Peruvian Union University

Master in University Research and Teaching at the Universidad Peruana Unión, in 2014, completed doctorate classes with a mention in Educational Management and the title Education at the Universidad Peruana de la Unión, 1997. Currently secretary of the Latin American Early Childhood Education Network. Professor at the Universidad Peruana Unión. Her research interests include development of scientific thinking in children, inclusive education, socio-emotional development in early childhood, early literacy, assessment and measurement of learning in early childhood education, training and professional development of early childhood education teachers, Play and learning, educational interventions for children in vulnerable situations.

Luis Alberto Geraldo-Campos, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

He obtained a Master's degree in Administration with a mention in Human Resources Management from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, a second specialty degree in Applied Statistics for Research and a professional degree in Administration from the Universidad Peruana Unión. He is currently a Research Professor at the Technological University of Peru. His research interests include Human Resource Management, Business Management, Educational Management and topics related to behavioral sciences; In addition, interest in topics on predictive models, machine learning, neural networks applied to psychology and structural equations. He can be contacted by email.

Juan Jesús Soria Quijaite , Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

He obtained a master's degree in applied mathematics from the National University of Engineering, in 1997, a doctorate in systems engineering and a specialist degree in Research Statistics from the Universidad Peruana de la Unión, 2011 and 2013, respectively. He is currently a Research Professor of the Department of Systems Engineering of the Technological University of Peru. His research interests include mathematical optimization, numerical methods, differential equations, functional analysis, predictive models, machine learning, neural networks, data mining, clustering with artificial intelligence. He can be contacted by email.

Madeleine Nanny Ticona Condori, Peruvian Union University

Statistical and Computer Engineer graduated from the National University of the Altiplano Puno, work experience at the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics INEI Puno in the area of ​​Statistical Production Management, Urban Enumerator in the XI National Population and VI Housing Censuses 2007. National Superintendence of Tax Administration -SUNAT in the Audit Area. Research professor at the Universidad Peruana Unión, General Secretary of the National University of Juliaca, with a Master's Degree in Educational Administration and a Doctorate in Statistics and Computer Science.


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How to Cite

Murillo-Antón, J., Geraldo-Campos, L. A., Soria Quijaite , J. J., & Ticona Condori, M. N. (2024). Satisfaction with university studies: A multivariate study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

