Multilateral financing of education in Latin America and the Caribbean




education, financing, SDG, agenda 2030, World Bank, educational strategy, COVID-19, economic development


Introduction: Education is a human right, an important driver of development and one of the most important instruments to end poverty and promote prosperity. Currently, the World Bank Group is the main source of external financing for education in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Methodology: Based on the information offered by the World Bank database and the bibliography consulted, the objective of this research is to know the amount that the World Bank has allocated to the educational sector in the LAC countries since the launch of the Education Strategy 2020. Results: The financial institution executed 88 education projects in 22 of the regions between 2010 and 2022. Discussions: Analyze how the amount allocated has evolved in recent years, what relative importance the funds received have in the total financial assets managed by the entity, what is the origin of the resources, what type of actions it finances and, finally, what is the geographical distribution of country operations. Conclusions: Quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the actions of the first multilateral financial organization in favor of the education and training of the population in developing countries.


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Author Biographies

María José Beltrán Viedma, University of Jaén

PhD student at the University of Jaén, attached to the Department of Economics, in the area of ​​Applied Economics. She has a degree in Business Administration and Management. She is a secondary school teacher of Economics in Andalusia. She teaches Economics, Economics and Entrepreneurship, and Business and Business Models. Her research focuses on the analysis of education financing by the World Bank, and on the study of the key factors for less developed countries to obtain credits from this international organization. Specifically, her lines of research include Education, Financing, World Bank, Educational Strategy and Economic Development.

Encarnación Moral Pajares, University of Jaén

She holds a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Jaén, is a Professor of Applied Economics, and has been the principal investigator in different research projects in the field of Applied Economics. She has published more than thirty articles in high-impact journals and book chapters on different economic aspects in the areas of Economics of Education and ICT, Foreign Trade, Water Economics and Agricultural Economics. She has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences at the University of Jaén and Director of the Office of Scholarships, Aid and Student Assistance at the University of Jaén.

Leticia Gallego-Valero, University of Jaén

Professor-researcher at the University of Jaén, attached to the Department of Economics, in the area of ​​Applied Economics. She has a degree in Business Administration and Management and Law. She holds a PhD in Economic, Business and Legal Sciences from the University of Jaén. She teaches courses on World Economy, Fiscal Economics and Economic Internationalization. Her research focuses on the analysis and study of various economic and fiscal aspects in the environmental field, and her work has been published in international journals. Specifically, her lines of research include International Economics, Water Economics, Environmental Taxes and Sustainable Development Goals.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Viedma, M. J., Moral Pajares, E., & Gallego-Valero, L. (2024). Multilateral financing of education in Latin America and the Caribbean. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences