Analysis of learning strategies of the Public Accounting program: Distance Uniminuto with MSLQ scale




competencies, strategies, learning, academic performance, evaluation, methodology, educational practices.


Introduction: This article analyzes the factors related to the promotion of good educational practices that improve the academic performance of students in the distance learning Public Accounting program at the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Methodology: A systematic literature review and a descriptive methodological approach were conducted. The population included 441 students, with a representative sample of 100 students who completed the MSLQ (Motivated Strategies Learning Questionnaire) through simple random sampling. The relationship between motivation, learning strategies, and academic performance was evaluated. Results: A positive correlation was identified between academic performance, good educational practices, and acquired competencies. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient analysis showed internal consistency among the evaluated factors, suggesting a significant relationship with academic and professional success. Discussion: The study highlights the importance of reflective and guided pedagogical strategies in the academic and research development of students, influencing their autonomy and professional success. Conclusions: The implementation of pedagogical strategies that foster student autonomy is recommended, contributing to the academic and professional success of Public Accounting students.


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Author Biographies

Jasleidy Astrid Prada Segura, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Certified Public Accountant, Master's in Taxation, Master's in International Auditing and Business Management, candidate for a PhD in Public Management and Social Policy, research professor, with international publications, extensive knowledge in virtual classroom design, preparation and presentation of programs to the Ministry of Education, work in curriculum design, direction of Accounting, Budget, Portfolio, Costs, Taxes, Human Management, Financial Analysis, Fiscal Audit, Project Development and Teaching processes. Management of management indicators, leadership skills, teamwork, decision-making capacity, orientation to achieving results, effective communication, excellent interpersonal relationships and adaptation to change processes.

Fabian Augusto Moreno Sierra, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Research professor at the Minuto de Dios University Corporation UNIMINUTO. Five years of experience in the logistics, development and monitoring of the Accounting Research Colloquium. Support for six years in the logistics of the Accounting Research Meeting. Author and compiler of the book Environment, Society, Ethics, Audit and Education, Vol. III and IV. Peer evaluator at scientific events of Redcolsi, District Meeting, Actions and Finance, International Research Congress, Accounting Research Meetings. Main author of the article Advances in the implementation of the digital accounting observatory in the Uniminuto Public Accounting program, virtual and distance mode.

María del Pilar Corredor García, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Certified Public Accountant from the National University of Colombia, Master in Education from Uniminuto. Researcher of the Alternative Reflections on Accounting Discipline group of the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, with 18 years of university teaching experience.


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How to Cite

Prada Segura, J. A., Moreno Sierra, F. A., & Corredor García, M. del P. (2024). Analysis of learning strategies of the Public Accounting program: Distance Uniminuto with MSLQ scale. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.


