From natural capital to bio-(ethical) capital: implications and limitations in the context of the climate crisis




climate crisis, biotic capital, natural capital, ethical capital, bioethics, development, careful, Latin American criticism


Introduction: The aim of this paper is to articulate the concept of bio(ethical) capital in the context of climate crisis, considering the contribution of bioethics to the notion of natural capital and Latin American criticism. Methodology: First, we will address the notion of capital. Then, that of natural capital. Subsequently, we will present the concept of ethical capital and the bioethical approach. After, we will refer to some Latin American criticisms of the capitalization of nature. Finally, we will articulate the concept of bio(ethical) capital. Results: The notion of natural capital is used from the capital approach to guide the economy towards sustainable development. The concept of ethical capital provides a qualitative perspective of development. Latin American positions criticize the capitalization of nature. Discussions: The notion of natural capital is not sufficient to guarantee sustainable development. It must be complemented with an ethical vision that considers nature as a subject and eradicates inequalities, founding the system on new values. Conclusions: The concept of bio(ethical) capital allows promoting development, relating to nature through care and enabling a reconfiguration of the system based on new values. However, a possible instrumental use in the capitalist logic of domination is not eliminated.


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Author Biography

Diana Paula Fuhr, Universidad Nacional del Sur

Graduate and PhD from the National University of the South (Bahía Blanca, Argentina). Teaching Assistant in Fundamentals of Administrative Sciences (UNS). She has also been an Assistant in Philosophy of History and Philosophy of Science (UNS). She has devoted herself to Political Philosophy, especially Hobbesian thought, metaphors and emotions, and, in recent years, to the climate crisis from a philosophical point of view. She has carried out research stays in Granada (Spain, AUIP scholarship) and Genoa (Italy, MAECI scholarship), under the supervision of Daniel J. García López and Franco Manti, respectively. She participates in a Research Project in Political Philosophy, directed by Dr. Rebeca Canclini.


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How to Cite

Fuhr, D. P. (2024). From natural capital to bio-(ethical) capital: implications and limitations in the context of the climate crisis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.



Humanism and Social Sciences