Writing in University with AI Support: Anxiety and Perceived Usefulness in Using Chat GPT





artificial intelligence, higher education, anxiety, GPT, university writing, technological adaptation, perceived usefulness, teaching implications


Introduction: Artificial intelligence has permeated many of the most important areas of society, and one of them is higher education. However, little has been studied about the effects that the inclusion of this new technology can have in the university classroom and, in particular, on tertiary level writing. Methodology: This article has a dual objective: first, to compare the level of anxiety in a 'traditional' writing task with one that used GPT during its completion; second, to identify the perceived usefulness of GPT among university students as part of the technological adaptation process. Results: As part of the results, a higher level of anxiety is observed in the writing task that involved the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as a correlation between the level of anxiety and the perception of productivity offered by the use of GPT during writing. Discussions: The implications for university teaching are discussed. Conclusions: The need to create teaching methods that not only incorporate technology in the classroom but also take into account the emotional and cognitive effects that these can generate in students is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Romina Oyarzún Yáñez, Andrés Bello University

Romina Oyarzún is a primary education teacher, Master in Comprehension and Production of Texts by the Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile) and Master in Neuroeducation by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain). Her research interests are reading and writing, neuroeducation and Hispanic linguistics. Currently, she combines her research work with teaching at the Andrés Bello University and the University of Chile.

María Nayra Rodríguez Rodríguez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

She has published articles in journals indexed in AHCI, in addition to other research articles in national and international journals, publication of my doctoral thesis and numerous book chapters, one of them published in the prestigious publishing house Tecnoaula (Anaya group). The thematic line of these publications is circumscribed within the varieties of Spanish and Linguistics applied to the teaching of Spanish as a first and second language. Attendance at national and international congresses with publication of proceedings. Several research projects of Educational Innovation, Prometeo and Principal Investigator in two editions of the European Science Night. Competitive project with European funding “Canarias Azul”. IATEXT Project: AnaFrases. Stays in National and International Research Centers.


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How to Cite

Oyarzún Yáñez, R., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, M. N. (2024). Writing in University with AI Support: Anxiety and Perceived Usefulness in Using Chat GPT. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-922


