Prototyping as a methodological tool in design practice




Prototyping, digital prototyping, molding, additive manufacturing, subtracting, manufacturing, digital manufacturing, grasshopper


Introduction: In the Design studies at the Catholic University of Temuco we find the Rapid Prototyping course which acquires a theoretical/practical character to introduce students in the field of analog-digital prototyping. From the 2024-1 version we will present here the second case study: the design and fabrication of paddle. Methodology: The rowing paddle is an object that involves several complexities, among them the geometry of surfaces and free forms and the analog-digital fabrication of this type of element. For this purpose, we have proposed a methodology based on prototyping with case studies, where 40 cases of rowing blades offered in the market were taken, analyzing their formal characteristics and performance, focusing on the specific rowing discipline for which they were developed. Results: The results offer a great diversity of approaches to the resolution of the form. Likewise, by offering some alternatives in the manufacturing possibilities, students have been able to experience some analog-digital processes, which collaborates in the formation of a criterion to solve projects. Discussion: The discussion is proposed on the combination of analog prototyping techniques with digital prototyping, playing in unequal percentages according to the type of project to be developed.


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Author Biographies

Luis García Lara, Temuco Catholic University

Actualmente continúa su actividad académica en la FAAD+O de la Universidad Católica de Temuco, impartiendo clases en las carreras de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño en cursos del Taller Arquitectónico, Taller de Diseño, estudio análogo, estudio de computación y otros. Paralelamente ingresa al doctorado en la Universidad del Biobío con el tema de tesis sobre la obra del arquitecto Roberto Matta y colabora en el proyecto FONDECYT 1221730 cuya responsabilidad es el doctor arquitecto Rodrigo García Alvarado. Además, realiza actividades investigativas interdisciplinarias en el área de humanidades digitales, exponiendo en congresos nacionales e internacionales como: DRHA2022, BAMC2022, CUICIID2022, IHTC2021, CHILECON2021 con publicaciones científicas en editoriales como Taylor & Francis, Springerlink y otras trans.

Lucas Helle Pesot, Temuco Catholic University

Lucas Helle titles his master's thesis as: “Design and modification of dynamic environments using swarm robotic systems.” Designer and Master in Design Sciences from the Adolfo Ibáñez University, he has a declared interest in natural processes and their representation through robotic systems, with emphasis on swarm systems. Professor of the Digital Representation II, Rapid Prototyping and intensive training courses in Arduino prototyping board programming.


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How to Cite

García Lara, L., & Helle Pesot, L. (2024). Prototyping as a methodological tool in design practice. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.


