Social responsibility in the prevention of psychosocial risks in domestic workers




occupational well-being, burnout, stress, health hazards, prevention, psychology, social responsibility, female worker


Introduction: Our study analyzed job stress and burnout syndrome in domestic workers in Pereira, Armenia and Cali, Colombia. Methodology: We employed a descriptive and cross-sectional qualitative approach, using structured interviews to capture the subjective experience of the employees. We applied Maslach's model, which examines emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of energy, and Karaseck's demand-control model, which evaluates the interaction between labor demand, control and social support. Results: They showed that extensive work and lack of recognition are sources of stress. Some employees accept stress as inevitable, while others want to change jobs due to lack of flexibility, low pay and unfair working conditions. Conclusions: Work relationships, affected by abusive treatment from superiors and criticism from peers, create a competitive and uncooperative environment, deteriorating the emotional well-being of employees. In conclusion, the study reveals that job stress and burnout are significant problems among domestic workers in Colombia. In addition, problematic labor relations and poor working conditions underscore the need for improvements to mitigate these problems and improve the recognition of domestic workers.


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Author Biographies

Adrian Marcel García Caicedo, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Maestría/Magíster Universidad Internacional Iberoamericano, Maestría en Dirección Estratégica con especialidad en Riesgos Laborales; Maestría/Magíster Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Máster en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales; Pregrado/Universitario Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia, Ingeniería Industrial; Técnico - nivel superior Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje-SENA, Coordinador de Logística; Experiencia Docente en docencia virtual, presencial y remota, en la Universidad de Colombia y experiencia disciplinaria en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, e Ingeniería Industrial. Autor de artículos y capítulos de libros, entre otras producciones adicionales. Asesor de tesis de posgrado (nivel profesional) y jurado de maestrías, grados y publicaciones científicas y académicas.

Master, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Master in Occupational Risk Prevention, Camilo José Cela University; undergraduate Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Health, University of Quindío, Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Grancolombiano Polytechnic University Institution; Technical and Technological Degrees: echnologist in Occupational Health, National Learning Service (SENA), Technologist in Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Management (SISOMA), National Learning Service (SENA); Professional Experience: Experience in virtual, in-person, and distance teaching in Colombian universities; Disciplinary Experience: expertise in Occupational Safety and Health and Psychosocial Risk; Publications and Academic Contributions: author of articles and book chapters, among other additional productions; Advisory and Evaluation Roles: undergraduate thesis advisor (professional level) and jury member for master's, undergraduate, and scientific and academic publications.


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How to Cite

García Caicedo, A. M., & Osorio Ordoñez, C. C. (2024). Social responsibility in the prevention of psychosocial risks in domestic workers. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Humanism and Social Sciences

Funding data