The critical thinking skills of pre-school students in a context of biodiversity loss




critical thinking, education for Sustainable Development, agenda 2030, early childhood education, key competences in sustainability, biodiversity, eco-dependence, case study


Introduction: The aim of this study was to explore the presence of critical thinking skills and enhance their development through an education for sustainable development proposal in an early childhood classroom around the study of biodiversity loss in a forest (SDG15).  Methodology: A case study was carried out by analyzing the classroom productions and recordings of a group of 14 infant boys and girls, using a rubric created ad hoc, based on the skills described by Facione (2007, 2011). Results: The students present some of the basic critical thinking skills (interpretation, analysis, inference and explanation). Discussion: These skills can be enhanced with reflection, introduction of key questions and dialogue processes. Conclusions: Developing key competencies in sustainability and critical thinking skills is crucial to address current socio-environmental issues.


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Author Biographies

Sara Piñeiro-Lago, University of Vigo

Graduated in Early Childhood Education from the University of Vigo and Master in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Early Childhood and Primary Education. Her lines of research are the development of critical thinking and education for sustainability.

Mercedes Varela Losada, University of Vigo

D. in Equity and Innovation in Education, she is currently a full professor at the University of Vigo, teaching in degrees and masters related to the educational field. Her main lines of research are related to environmental education and sustainability, as well as science education and teacher training, with which she has published in various high impact media and has been a researcher in a dozen research projects and educational innovation, regional, national and international.

María Lorenzo Rial, University of Vigo

Graduate in Primary Education (2014), Master in Specific Educational Support Needs (2015) and PhD in Education Sciences (2019) from the University of Vigo. Assistant doctor (2021-present). Teacher in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences at the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences and coordinator of the Degree in Early Childhood Education (2021-current). Author of articles in journals indexed in JCR and SJR since 2015. She is part of the research group CIES: Collaboration, Innovation and Research for Socio-Educational Equity. Lines of research: science education, education for sustainability, digital and technological education and gender studies.


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How to Cite

Piñeiro-Lago, S., Varela Losada, M., & Lorenzo Rial, M. (2024). The critical thinking skills of pre-school students in a context of biodiversity loss. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.



Research articles