Semiotics, emotional experiences and social networks




semiotics, networks, emotions, pleasure, blurring, fragmentariness, integration, media


Introduction: This article analyzes from a double perspective, sociocommunicative and semiotic, the addictive character generated in users using social networks, which began at the beginning of the 21st century. Methodology: An approach based on the enunciative praxis is essayed, which would reveal a textual tension between the interests of the users and those of the companies and virtual platforms. Results and Discussions: The tension shows the dissolution of the subject in the symbology of interfaces and their tools, as he refuses to build an authentic identity in the name of the pleasure generated by fragmentariness, multiplicity and fleetingness, aspects that ensure the profitability and efficiency of companies. Conclusions: It concludes with the proposal of the 'rational use of the Media', which allows today's societies not to become diluted and fragmented, but to manifest themselves in reality in a more integral and authentic way.


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Author Biography

Juan Felipe Barreto Salazar, University of Cartagena

Professor of Philosophy in the areas of Art History, German Romanticism, Aesthetics and Semiotics of Cinema. He is a member of the Civitas research group and press officer at the International Film and TV Festival of Cartagena de Indias. Author of the books La semiótica de la obra de arte, La obstinación en Greimas y Fontanille and Simón Bolívar, de general a héroe mítico, de héroe mítico a ser humano; as well as several articles, including Las pasiones y la violencia en el cine de Carlos Moreno: el amor, las mujeres y la muerte and Antonio Guzmán Blanco, precursor of modern architecture in Venezuela, among others.


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How to Cite

Barreto Salazar, J. F. (2024). Semiotics, emotional experiences and social networks. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.


