Electronic document management models in higher education institutions





electronic documents, document management, systematic review, higher education, management models, good practices, policies, digital preservation


Abstract: Introduction: This article aims to explore models, references, or best practices in the management of electronic documents in higher education institutions through a systematic review. Methodology: The literature review was conducted using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) protocol proposed by Kitchenham et al. (2009). Results: Results: 667 articles were found in 4 academic databases. Then, 25 articles were accepted and finally the works most closely related to the review object were selected. Discussion: The research identified models, references, best practices, proposals, and recommendations that contribute important components to the management of electronic documents in higher education institutions. Conclusions: There is no single or specific model for the management of electronic documents in higher education institutions. This will depend on government regulations, the policies of each institution, and the documentary reality of the institution. The management of electronic documents is advancing and transforming with the support of technology, but there needs to be more integration of processes and greater awareness for long-term digital preservation to avoid the loss of the documentary heritage of higher education.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Lozada A., Universidad de Medellín

Master's student in information and knowledge management, University of Medellín, Colombia (2024). Specialist in information and knowledge management, University of Medellín, Colombia (2016). Master in administration of public and private archives, International University of Andalusia, Spain (2011). Professional in History, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, (2008). He works as a leader in document management in a private organization in Colombia and is currently in the process of preparing his degree work for the master's degree in information and knowledge management, University of Medellín.

Luisa F. Villa, Universidad de Medellín

Doctor in Processes and Systems, University of Valladolid, Spain (2012). Master in Engineering, EAFIT University, Colombia (2007). Mechanical Engineer, EAFIT University, Colombia (2005). She works as a professor and researcher at the University of Medellín, specifically in the engineering faculty, where she has participated in the training of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students. His research interests are, among others: development of algorithms based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, data analytics and multidimensional signal analysis in applications such as bioinformatics, transportation and maintenance.



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How to Cite

Lozada Avila, C., & Villa, L. F. (2024). Electronic document management models in higher education institutions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-939

