Gamification to improve motivation in the learning of university students: the didactic use of the RAMP model




autonomy, didactics, higher education, educational gamification, master's degree, motivation in learning, purpose, relations


Introduction: Educational gamification in higher education has the potential to promote significant changes in the way in which students communicate, learn and work as a team in the post-pandemic. Methodology: A novel perspective on the didactic use of the game in the university is the result of the documentary review of the state of the art that analyzes the relationship between educational gamification and learning motivation through the RAMP model. Results: The RAMP model contains four factors that are considered vital for learning through play, such as: the relationships that the individual must forge in their training and personal process, as well as autonomy in teaching-learning, mastery to an expert-level thematic domain and the purpose for achieving the objective. Discussion: The RAMP model has the potential to generate group cohesion by combining educational gamification in higher education students' achievement motivation with a more interactive environment that directly encourages proactive attitudes. Conclusion: With this, a solution is generated to the problem of group construction that in the context of this research has not been resolved either through cooperative work or collaboration.


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Author Biography

Esteban García López, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala

Higher level teacher at the Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala; contributed in the curricular restructuring of the UATx, specifically in the revitalization of the Humanistic Integrating Model Based on Capabilities MIHC; Bachelor in Secondary Education with Specialty in Telesecundaria by the Centro de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación Educativa de Tlaxcala CESCET; Master in Educational Technology by the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla UPAEP; PhD student at the Center for Educational Research of the UATx with lines of research aimed at Digital Education, Gamification in higher education, contributions in reflective, humanistic and integrative learning, contributing to the work of Homo Universitatis, within the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala. Contributing to the transformation that higher education institutions seek, for the culture of social justice.


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How to Cite

García López, E. (2024). Gamification to improve motivation in the learning of university students: the didactic use of the RAMP model. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.


