Animated film as a teaching methodology: Application in teaching social marketing in the university classroom




teaching, new teaching techniques, teaching innovation, social marketing, third sector, CSR, public relations, cinema


Introduction: Public relations and social marketing are underrepresented in university education, even though they are in demand as a result of the growth of the third sector. Methodology: An activity was designed and carried out in two different teaching scenarios in Spain and Lithuania. Four animated films were used to raise awareness among students about four social issues. After the debate generated by each film, students were asked to develop a group social communication plan to address related communication issues. Results: The analysis, based on questionnaires and a teaching rubric, showed that more than 40% of the students gained a better understanding of social issues. Satisfaction with the course was high in Spain but 40% in Lithuania. The rubric revealed the high adaptability of the project, increased motivation, and improved academic results, especially in Spain. Discussion: Differences in student characteristics (education level, origin, interests) influenced the results. The lack of specific training in public relations and the educational potential of cinema were confirmed. Conclusions: The project is transferable to other contexts and university courses, highlighting the versatility of cinema and its positive effects on motivation and academic results.


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Author Biographies

Rosario Marín-Pinilla, Centro Universitario EUSA

Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Seville, Technician Protocol and Event Organisation by the Confederation of Andalusian Businessmen (CEA) and Master's Degree in Communication Management by CESMA (Business School - Caja Madrid).

I have been working in communication since 2001 and, with the exception of some short experience, it has always been in an agency: Burson-Marsteller (Madrid), Cortijo y Asociados (Seville) and, from 2005 until 2023, Anagrama Comunicación&Marketing (Seville).

I have also been and still am a teacher and lecturer in courses and seminars related to Communication, Customer Service and Business, organised by CEA, Seville City Council, University of Cádiz, CEADE, Centro Universitario San Isidoro and EUSA Centro Universitario (Seville Chamber of Commerce).

I have been a partner of Anagrama Comunicación&Marketing since 2005. As Project Manager, I looked for new clients, directed proposals, managed resources for projects and coordinated Accounts; as Partner, I organised workflows/tasks in other Departments, carried out administrative and human resources tasks and proposed the company's commercial strategy.

I am currently a doctoral student in the Interuniversity Doctorate in Communication (Advertising and Public Relations) at the University of Cádiz.

Isabel Palomo-Domínguez, Mykolas Romeris University

Isabel Palomo-Domínguez is a Lecturer and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Communication in the Faculty of Human and Social Studies at Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania). Her doctorate degree is in Communication (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). Her main research lines are on social networks, new media, ethics in persuasive communication, and effects on the audience.


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How to Cite

Marín-Pinilla, R., & Palomo-Domínguez, I. (2024). Animated film as a teaching methodology: Application in teaching social marketing in the university classroom. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.

