Interdisciplinarity: An opportunity to transform teaching




interdisciplinariry, specialization, methodologies, classroom, competences, transversal, knowledge, intercommunication


Introduction: In this article, the concept of interdisciplinarity is deepened, knowing how it has worked throughout history and how it is currently addressed. Methodology: a narrative bibliographic review has been carried out where the literature published to date on interdisciplinarity in the educational context has been analyzed. Results: There are main schools and ways of dealing with interdisciplinarity, highlighting the different currents and the dichotomy between specialization and interdisciplinarity and how they are brought to the classroom today. Conclusions: interdisciplinarity represents an opportunity to innovate and improve teaching-learning processes, also affirming that History is an open, transversal, and integrating social science.


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Author Biographies

Begoña Ladron-de-Guevara-Pascual, Villanueva University

Associate Professor with six years of research. PhD in Education, Degree in Art History from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Educational Centers Management from Villanueva University, Master in Corporate Reputation from the University of Navarra. Author of several scientific publications, both articles and book chapters, she has participated in various national and international conferences in the field of her research which focuses on the “Didactics of Social Sciences”, “the family-school relationship”, “Teacher Leadership, Teacher Leathership”, “Minors and vulnerability” and teacher induction projects. Member of the Standing Committee of the State School Board since 2017. She works in several innovation projects making transfer from research to practice. University lecturer in early childhood education and primary education degrees, and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training.

Inmaculada Rodríguez-Gómez, Villanueva University

Associate Professor with six years of research. PhD in Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid since 2017 with the highest qualification, degree in Physical Education from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has several scientific publications of articles and book chapters. She has participated as a speaker in national and international congresses and symposiums and research projects/contracts. He participates in different educational innovation projects and conferences for teachers in schools as a transfer of knowledge from teaching and research to educational practice. He has taught 18 different subjects in different degrees: diplomas and Degrees in Education, in coherence with his academic training and professional experience. Around 10,000 hours of teaching. She is in charge of direction and management functions as coordinator of the Department of Internships.


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How to Cite

Ladron-de-Guevara-Pascual, B., & Rodríguez-Gómez, I. (2024). Interdisciplinarity: An opportunity to transform teaching. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.

