Statistical modeling of school dropout in engineering students based on process mining




School dropout, mathematical training, process mining, conformance checking, Petri nets, curriculum analytics, statistical modeling, predictive models


Introduction: The present work describes the development of a statistical model to estimate the probability of dropout among engineering students at the University of the Caribbean through the application of process mining techniques. Methodology: A mathematical training process was defined as a reference to evaluate the suitability of the academic trajectories of students from four cohorts. The evaluations of conformance with the mathematical training process, during the first three semesters of each student, were used as predictors of dropout probability in a statistical model. Results: The statistical model was adjusted using data from the first three cohorts and validated by applying it to the most recent cohort, comparing the predictions with the observed dropout results. Discussions: The study demonstrates the effectiveness of process mining techniques in generating relevant academic information, useful for decision-making to mitigate the risk of school dropout based on the analysis of students' academic trajectories. Conclusions: Future directions are suggested, such as the implementation of monitoring systems and the inclusion of other critical processes in the analysis to significantly increase the effectiveness of educational interventions.


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Author Biographies

Héctor Fernando Gómez García, Universidad del Caribe

Full-time Research Professor attached to the Data Engineering and Organisational Intelligence programme. D. in Computer Science from the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas. He has developed several research projects in digital image processing, computer vision and data science, with special interest in the applications of artificial intelligence in education and in the statistical modelling of environmental systems for the development of renewable energies.

Jessica Mendiola Fuentes, Universidad del Caribe

Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango. Master's and Doctorate in Control and Dynamic Systems, both from the Instituto de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica A. C. (IPICyT). Postdoctoral stay at the Institute of Physics of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP). Winner of the Sofia Kovalévskaya prize in 2017. Leader of the HPC department at the National Supercomputing Centre (CNS) during 2020 and until 2022. Main areas of interest focus on control theory, dynamical systems and their applications. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI). She is currently a full-time research professor in the Department of Basic Sciences and Engineering at the Universidad del Caribe.

Víctor Manuel Romero Medina, Universidad del Caribe

Full-time Research Professor attached to the Environmental Engineering educational programme. Aeronautical Engineer with a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering focused on computational fluid dynamics and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering oriented to the development of mathematical models for the analysis of crack growth and plastic deformation of composite materials. He has participated in basic and applied research projects, mainly in Computational Fluid Dynamics, focused on the use of renewable energies, developing prototypes. He has participated in several conferences and published several articles. He is an active member of the National Solar Energy Association, the International Solar Energy Society, the Ocean Thermal Energy Association and the Mexican Centre for Ocean Energy Research.


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How to Cite

Gómez García, H. F., Mendiola Fuentes, J., & Romero Medina, V. M. (2024). Statistical modeling of school dropout in engineering students based on process mining. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–22.



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