Curricular Strategies: the teacher as an innovative actor in the School of Non-Commissioned Officers and Executive Level “Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada” National Police of Colombia




teacher, design, curriculum, innovation, pedagogy, strategies, police, education


Introduction: Police pedagogy addresses several perspectives of the curriculum and its contents based on pedagogical models, the structure of the work plan, the importance of the teacher as the architect of pedagogical innovation, research, and the teaching – learning process. Methodology: A qualitative documentary study was generated through a documentary review and its purification through analysis, with the objective of carrying out a proactive reflection exercise on the curriculum, its content and the curricular models, aimed at achieving pedagogical innovation. Results: The change in the design and development of the curriculum allows for improvement and the creation of a new curricular practice. Discussion: The School’s Institutional Educational Project is based on constructivism and meaningful learning. Conclusions: Innovation in the police education sector is understood as a process that involves a series of modifications in the parameters of education that affect police academic training. In this sense, curricular innovation requires police students to face the needs of tomorrow, based on the contemporary demands within the educational processes framed by the Directorate of Police Education and appropriate at the Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada School of Non-Commissioned Officers and Executive Level.


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Author Biographies

Lucy Alcira Montoya Párraga, Escuela de Suboficiales y Nivel Ejecutivo “G. Jiménez de Quesada”

Master in Educational Technology Management, Specialist in Educational Informatics Administration. Specialist in Social Science Teaching and Research, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Literature. With extensive experience in the field of education, research methodology, as well as in the implementation of pedagogical and research projects, Multiplier of the Post-Primary Option of the Rural Education Project of Cundinamarca, in the teaching of literature, in the teaching of social sciences, management of teaching tools, use of ICT and platforms, Tutor of the subject of National Police Research, Director and jury of theses and dissertations, author of books, book chapters and scientific articles. Researcher member in the category of: linked with master's degree or speciality before the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Juan José García Sarria, School of Non-Commissioned Officers and Executive Level “Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada” Colombian Police.

Business administrator, police administrator, specialist in occupational health and safety, Master in Education and Master in Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and Operational Law, security advisor and consultant, expert in curriculum development with more than 13 years of experience in the security and defence sector, Leader of GRULAP of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Jorge Balambá, School of Non-Commissioned Officers and Executive Level “Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada” Colombian Police.

Public Administrator, Management of the Didactic Tools TICS, with emphasis in Public Management, Higher Education, Pedagogy for Professionals not Graduated, Learning based on Projects, process of peace, Master in Education, with a deep capacity of learning and great ability of work in team, directing to the advising of political administrative character.


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How to Cite

Montoya Párraga, L. A., García Sarria, J. J., & Balambá Montoya, J. E. (2024). Curricular Strategies: the teacher as an innovative actor in the School of Non-Commissioned Officers and Executive Level “Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada” National Police of Colombia. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

