Transcending subjectivity: artistic and creative development in university students
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Anticipatory methodologies, Art education, Teacher training, Student self-assessment, Creative skills development, Gender differences, Academic success perspectives, Holistic learning integrationResumen
Introduction: This study addresses the gap in literature by examining how anticipatory methodologies impact college students' self-assessment of art subjects during their Teacher Education Degree training. Methodology: Sixty-eight third-year undergraduate students in Primary Education participated, predominantly women (82,5%), aged 20 to 28 years (M= 22,18; SD= 1,95). Using quantitative methods, the research evaluated how anticipatory teaching approaches predict positive learning outcomes and prevent student demotivation in art education. Results: Findings revealed significant enhancements in students' artistic and creative skills through these methodologies, with younger participants showing notable advancements. Discussions: Discussions highlighted the importance of cultivating positive student self-perception, robust teacher support, diverse definitions of academic success, and implementing varied educational models to optimize learning experiences. Ultimately, integrating anticipatory methodologies into art education not only enriches artistic and creative abilities but also fosters holistic learning. Conclusions: The study advocates for social inclusion and cultural heritage preservation to sustain and enhance the role of artistic education in providing quality and comprehensive learning environments. These insights contribute to advancing educational practices that empower students and promote a broader understanding of academic achievement in the context of art and creativity.
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Derechos de autor 2025 José Fernando Fernández Company, David José Gamella González, María García Rodríguez

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