Yielding to the rite/ right femininity: ad(o)/(a)pting to gender performativity




Mots-clés :

performativity, sexual agency, femininity, gender norms, feminist, patriarchy, gender expectation, compliance


Introduction: The acclaimed ex-Disney star Hannah Montana underwent a radical transformation in her coming of adulthood and becoming Miley Cyrus. This change sparked some controversy and criticism, particularly following her performance at the 2013 VMAs. Methodology: To analyse this situation, Judith Butler’s theories on gender performativity are particularly instrumental. Results: Applying gender performativity, when analysing the harsh criticism the singer received, sheds light on the patriarchal assumption that seem to inform this antagonism, especially when compared to other performances that same night. Conclusions: The media harassment Cyrus faced may stem from her non-adherence to expected patriarchal gender stereotypes. Her confident and bold performance could in fact be seen as an act of feminist empowerment. Currently, Cyrus presents herself as a less subversive and more conforming public character, which coincidentally or not, just so happens to be more popular and seems to receive kinder press by the media.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Margarita Navarro Pérez, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Margarita Navarro is a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real, University of Castilla-La Mancha. Her research interests combine innovation in the teaching of a foreign language, gender, and media analysis. After defending her European PhD, framed within the area of cultural studies, research on innovation in education takes up a relevant role. The combination of the aforementioned research interests proves to be a fruitful combination, both in relation to her teaching and research production. Having carried out several research stays in the United Kingdom and in Chile, Margarita has made extensive contributions at national and international congresses and has published both in academic journals and scientific book chapters, that are a prove of her research contributions.


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Comment citer

Navarro Pérez, M. (2025). Yielding to the rite/ right femininity: ad(o)/(a)pting to gender performativity. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1449



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