How to promote social innovation within Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The case of the Audiovisual Industry in Navarre

Cómo promover la innovación social dentro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS): El caso de la Industria Audiovisual en Navarra



Palabras clave:

social innovation, SDGs, audiovisual, Navarre, action research


This article examines the situation of social innovation in the audiovisual industry, which is a gap in the field of media management regarding the promotion of innovation with social impact. The main objective of this paper is to conduct a study in order to promote social innovation in the audiovisual industry at regional level. By collaborating through an action research case with the audiovisual cluster in Navarra (CLAVNA) this research focuses on specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Three are the main findings of this study:

1) Technological innovations are crucial to promote social innovation;

2) the need for public-private co-creation for the development of the focused industry;

3) the relevance of focusing efforts on social innovation in firms based on animation and video attract development and investments.


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Cómo citar

Olloqui, I., Alfaro, J. A., & Recalde, M. (2023). How to promote social innovation within Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The case of the Audiovisual Industry in Navarre : Cómo promover la innovación social dentro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS): El caso de la Industria Audiovisual en Navarra. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 8(2), 16–27.



Research articles