Validation of the instrument of Christian values for the hiring of personnel in agricultural, manufacturing and commercial companies in zone 4 Ecuador. A PLS-SEM approach




Structural analysis, discriminant analysis, content analysis, analysis model, confirmatory analysis, Christian values, companies, Ecuador, structural equations


Introduction: In recent years, companies identify with having Christian values and many when hiring personnel ask questions about the values of honesty, solidarity, humility, responsibility and sincerity. The objective of this research aims to validate the Christian values instrument for recruiting personnel. Methodology: Multivariate statistics were used through confirmatory and exploratory structural equations for 183 companies in zone 4 of Ecuador (Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas and Manabí). Results: The results demonstrated excellent construct and content reliability overall. The Christian values component in personnel hiring reported acceptable factor loadings and a Cronbach's alpha reliability close to one. Discussion: The implementation of humanistic and Christian values component had factor loadings above 60 percent, with a Cronbach's Alpha reliability greater than 0.8. The prayer and society component showed factor loadings greater than 60 percent, with a Cronbach's alpha reliability greater than 0.75. Conclusions: The structural equation model has an acceptable fit error, the incremental fit coefficients are excellent, with acceptable parsimonious coefficients, an excellent Akaike criterion and a construct validity analysis that discriminates each component of the Christian values questionnaire.


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Author Biographies

Mikel Ugando Peñate, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and a Master's degree in Accounting and Finance. He works as a research professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Santo Domingo Campus (PUCESD) in Ecuador and coordinates the Planning, Innovation and Applied Financial Modeling research group. He has several publications and given presentations at events of great scientific impact, both national and international, in the areas of economics, finance and ethical finance. He currently coordinates projects at a national level related to ethical finance and Christian values, as well as the impact of climate change on agricultural production.

Ángel Ramón Sabando-García, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Holds a Master's degree in Statistics, Educational Management and Agricultural Engineering. He works as a research professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Santo Domingo Campus (PUCESD) in Ecuador and is a member of the Planning, Innovation and Applied Financial Modeling research group. During his career as a researcher, he has published articles in the areas of mathematics and statistics, financial modeling, management, agriculture and finance ethics in national and international journals. He has also participated in international events presenting the results of his research. He has contributed to funded national projects that seek to provide solutions in specialized areas of the Ecuadorian community.

Reinaldo Armas Herrera, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (ULPG), Spain. He holds a Master's degree in Finance and Economics from the ULPGC. He is currently a research professor at the Department of Business Sciences, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Loja, Ecuador. In his role as researcher, he has specialized in the areas of finance, intellectual capital, university education and ethical finance, publishing articles in national and international journals of great impact. He has participated in recognized international events. He is attached to the FINASIF Research Group of the UTPL and the Finnovaplan Research Group of the PUCE SD.

Ángel Alexander Higuerey Gómez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

D. in Economics from Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain. Master's Degree and Specialist in Tax Law from Universidad Santa María, Venezuela. B.A. in Administration from Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. He is currently a research professor at UTPL, Ecuador. Recognized researcher belonging to the Experimental Institute of Humanistic, Economic and Social Research (IEXIHES) of the Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela and the research group GESCONT of the UTPL.

Pierina D'Elia Di Michele, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Holds a PhD in Education from Rafael María Baralt University, Venezuela, a degree in Comprehensive Education, a Master's in Education Sciences and a Master's in Robinsonian Education from UNESR, Venezuela. She is currently a research professor in the Department of Philosophy, Arts and Humanities at UTPL, Ecuador. She is a promoter of the Research Line: ACPTS-UNESR and a member of the EDUFAM-UTPL research group contributing to the line of Christian Values. She is the author and co-author of scientific articles published in national and international journals of great impact; and she has been a speaker at national and international events, standing out for her participation.

Elvia Rosalía Inga Llanez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Holds a Master's degree in Accounting and Auditing from the University of Santiago de Chile, a Diploma in Management Auditing from the University of Santiago de Chile, and is a Commercial Engineer and a graduate in Administration from the Catholic University of Cuenca. She is currently a research professor in the Department of Business Sciences at UTPL and a member of the GESCONT research group. In her career as a researcher, she has participated in both national and international journals with high prestige; while as a speaker she has participated in highly prestigious events.


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How to Cite

Ugando Peñate, M., Sabando-García, Ángel R., Armas Herrera, R., Higuerey Gómez, Ángel A., D'Elia Di Michele, P., & Inga Llanez, E. R. (2024). Validation of the instrument of Christian values for the hiring of personnel in agricultural, manufacturing and commercial companies in zone 4 Ecuador. A PLS-SEM approach. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.



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