Higher education and the new role of the teacher: the relevance of soft skills to enhance the professional identity




Mots-clés :

higher education, teacher´s role, labor market, soft skills, design thinking, STEM, professional awareness, Teach-BEASTs


Introduction: The labor market is defined today by permanent changes that are transforming the curricula in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). HEI professors are becoming teacher-mentors who focus on improving students' perception of professional identity. Four European universities created the “Teach-BEASTs – Teaching to BE Aware STudents (Teach-BEASTs)”, an Erasmus+ program focused on this redefinition of the role of the teacher. The objectives are to demonstrate the practical value of transferred knowledge and skills in STEM subjects. Methodology: is based on a solid literature review of the article's theoretical framework and key concepts. On the other hand, it focuses on the analysis of the role of academic teachers, professors, officials in charge of academic career directions and the educational process, as well as deans and directors. Results and discussion: focus on Career Awareness Pills, which are modules that encourage students to reflect on the material covered from the perspective of their interests, passions, aptitudes, and the market value of the skills and information obtained that will be examined and constitute the core of the methodology. Conclusions: the first conclusions corroborate the objectives, specifically highlighting the value of activities to develop social skills or interpersonal skills.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Maria José Varadinov, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre

Associate Professor at the Portalegre Polytechnic University, holds a PhD in the field of Business Administration with the specialization in Reverse Logistics from the University of Extremadura (Badajoz, Spain). She teaches several units such Operations and Logistics, Introduction to Management, Economics, Management Accounting and Agricultural Economics. She was Director of the Foreign Relations Office for the Department of Enterprise Sciences and she is Peer reviewer at several international scientific journals; Member of the EUCLIDES Network- network of European Engineering and Technology Universities and Institutional Coordinator for several international projects in the field of pedagogical innovation, teaching and learning methodologies and also in Optimization and Decision Support System for the Supply Chain.

Luís Miguel Cardoso, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre

Luís Miguel Cardoso holds a PhD in Modern Languages and Literatures, in the speciality of Comparative Literature from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He was Dean of the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal (2010 – 2018) and President of ARIPESE, Association of Reflection and Intervention in the Educational Policy of Higher Education Schools in Portugal (2015 – 2018). Adjunct Professor at the Department of Language and Communication Sciences at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal, is currently a researcher at the Centre for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon and CARE – Research Center on Health and Social Sciences, Portalegre.


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Comment citer

Varadinov, M. J., & Cardoso, L. M. (2024). Higher education and the new role of the teacher: the relevance of soft skills to enhance the professional identity. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1146

