Areas of focus in designing online platforms for social innovation diffusion



From the starting point of existing online platforms that provide collections of social innovations and through their actions encourage the diffusion of their featured initiatives, the purpose of this paper is to put forward a set of areas of focus that, if implemented, would form the basis of an online platform tailored specifically to accommodate and foster social innovation diffusion.

With a focus on grassroots social innovations that cater to citizens’ everyday needs, existing platforms are analysed though relevant theory on diffusion and design for social innovation, drafting three main areas of focus: creating an enabling environment, offering flexible entries and ensuring the visibility of adaptations. These areas are then detailed, supported by examples and possible paths to follow, concluding with a call for further research and an invitation to start a conversation about the need to design and develop online platforms for social innovation diffusion.




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Biographie de l'auteur

Diana Elena Gaftoneanu, none

MA Communication for Development, Malmö University

MA Leadership and Organization, Malmö University


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Comment citer

Gaftoneanu, D. E. (2016). Areas of focus in designing online platforms for social innovation diffusion. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 1(1), 45–53. Consulté à l’adresse



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