Contexts Articulation for Teaching in Management: Competitive performance of organizations



Parole chiave:

competition, business organization, intelligence systems, business environment, active teaching methodologies, articulation of contexts, teaching project, administration


Introduction: The Articulation of Contexts for Teaching in Administration - Competitive Performance of Organizations Project is part of the studies developed by the University to create new practices and pedagogical structures for undergraduate and graduate courses at the University. Structured around three stages, the project aimed to consolidate students' knowledge of the fundamentals of the competitive performance of organizations. Methodology: The study used participant observation to examine the impact of new teaching methods on student engagement and learning at a Brazilian university. Researchers collected data through classroom observations, engagement reports, field notes, and interviews. Thematic analysis identified vital factors influencing engagement, such as teaching methods and classroom interactions. Results-Discussions: The project integrated subjects to analyze businesses and consumers, develop various products, end with the CRM proposal in the companies studied, provide practical learning, and prepare students for the market. Conclusions: Students applied theory to real problems through the expected products, developing critical thinking, collaborative skills, and management competencies. Disciplinary integration and effective practice consolidated an effective teaching model aligned with market demands.


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Biografie autore

Francisco Antonio Serralvo, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

Social Scientist, Bachelor and Master in Administration, PhD in Social Sciences from PUC-SP. Post-Doctorate in Marketing from the University of Santiago de Compostela – Spain. He is a Full Professor of the Postgraduate Studies Program in Administration. He coordinated the Executive MBA in Business Management in Sales. He was Dean of the School of Economics, Administration, Accounting, and Actuarial Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. His research focuses on consumer behavior sciences (brands and products) and marketing theories. He coordinates the Brand Studies Group – GEMa, at PUC-SP.

Paulo Romaro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

PhD in Administration from PUC/SP (2016), a Master's in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas - SP (2000), and a degree in Public Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas - SP (1983). Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo since 1995 in  ​​Finance. Management positions held at PUC/SP: Coordinator of the Undergraduate course and lato sensu postgraduate courses, Head of the Administration Department at PUC/SP, Advisor to the Rector's Office, Director of the Barueri Campus of PUC/SP, editor of the scientific journal Cadernos de Administração, Member of the Teaching, Research and Extension Council, Internship Coordinator of the Administration course and Professor Advisor at PUC-Jr. Professional experience as a Manager and Consultant in ​Accounting-Financial Administration and Strategic Planning.

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Come citare

Serralvo, F. A., & Romaro, P. (2025). Contexts Articulation for Teaching in Management: Competitive performance of organizations. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.



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