User-Friendly Digital Tools: Boosting Student Engagement and Creativity in Higher Education



Parole chiave:

digital storytelling, EFL education, writing skills, higher education, student engagement, educational technology, creativity enhancement, user-friendliness


Introduction: This research explores the impact of digital storytelling tools on enhancing student writing in the classroom. By examining these tools’ effectiveness, the study aims to provide insights into their benefits and areas for improvement. Methodology: The study was conducted through a survey administered to higher education students. It focused on their satisfaction levels, the difficulties they encountered, and their preferences for specific digital storytelling tools. Results: The findings reveal a strong preference for digital storytelling over traditional writing techniques. Students praised these tools for their ability to enhance creativity, their user-friendliness, and their capacity to make learning more engaging. Discussion: Despite the positive feedback, the study identifies several areas for improvement. Key issues include the need for higher-quality images, improved usability, and reduced dependency on paid features. Conclusions: These insights underscore the effectiveness of digital storytelling in promoting creativity and engagement among students. However, they also highlight opportunities for further development to maximize the educational impact of these tools. By addressing the identified challenges, educators and developers can enhance the overall learning experience and better support student success.


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Biografia autore

Cristina Navas, University of Malaga

Cristina Navas Romero es educadora e investigadora especializada en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, con especial atención a la Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, la Filología Inglesa y la Lingüística. Es doctora en Lingüística, Literatura y Traducción por la Universidad de Málaga y cuenta con una amplia experiencia docente en la misma institución. Su trayectoria profesional incluye funciones como profesora sustituta a tiempo completo y traductora. Cristina está altamente cualificada en el uso de tecnologías educativas como Moodle y Blackboard y emplea metodologías docentes innovadoras. Su compromiso con la excelencia académica se refleja en sus numerosas publicaciones y presentaciones en congresos, y ha sido reconocida con el II Premio de Investigación de la Fundación Telefónica.

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Come citare

Navas, C. (2024). User-Friendly Digital Tools: Boosting Student Engagement and Creativity in Higher Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.



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