Does the number of enrollments in Maths courses for Engineering influence on students’ success?




mathematics, engineering, assessment, academic performance, 1st-year students, repeat students, advance and continuation, statistical analysis


Introduction: The percentage of engineering students who repeat core Mahts courses is considerable. Thus, we are interested in determining if there exists some incidence for 1st-year students. We analyze if students’ academic performance is significantly influenced by how many times students enroll or take an exam in the same course. Methodology: We perform a standard statistical analysis by using the information for second-semester courses in computer engineering during the academic years 2020/2021 to 2022/2023. The analysis is broken down by courses and years, taking into account the number of enrollments or taken examinations. Results: The impact of the number of enrollments for Maths courses on students’ academic performance, depends on each course itself. Indeed, the influence increases according to the number of enrollments for courses requiring a larger computational approach. Additionally, we observe that the results are consistent when considering both semesters and academic years. Furthermore, the number of taken examinations by students influences their academic performance in a similar way. Conclusions: Both the number of enrollments and that of taken examinations have a significant impact on student’s academic performance, although the sense of this impact depends on the type of approach for each course: computational versus traditional.


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Author Biographies

Ángel F. Tenorio-Villalón, Pablo de Olavide University

Degree in Mathematics and PhD in Geometry and Topology from the University of Seville. Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Dept. of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History and Secretary of the Higher Polytechnic School of the Pablo de Olavide University. He was Secretary and Provincial Delegate in the Seville Delegation of the Sociedad Andaluza de Educación Matemática Thales. He teaches mathematics in the degree in computer engineering in information systems, in the university master's degree in secondary education teacher training and, occasionally, in the Faculty of Business Sciences. He has more than a hundred publications on non-commutative algebra, computer algebra, graph theory and the history, dissemination and didactics of mathematics.

Ana M. Martín-Caraballo, Pablo de Olavide University

Degree in Mathematics from the University of Seville and PhD in Economics from the Pablo de Olavide University. She is Associate Professor in the area of Quantitative Methods in the Dept. of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History. She is Treasurer of the Seville Delegation of the Andalusian Society of Mathematical Education THALES, having previously been Secretary and Provincial Delegate, as well as Vocal of International Relations. She teaches mathematics on the degrees in Business Administration and Management, Economic Analysis and Computer Engineering in Information Systems, as well as on the university master's degree in secondary education teacher training. He has numerous publications on Poverty Indicators, Graph Theory and History and Didactics of Mathematics.


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How to Cite

Tenorio-Villalón, Ángel F., & Martín-Caraballo, A. M. (2025). Does the number of enrollments in Maths courses for Engineering influence on students’ success?. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.


