Perception of Autism students’ parents about the role of Speech Therapist


  • María Soledad Sandoval Zúñiga Universidad del Alba
  • Alejandro Ignacio Núñez Grandón Universidad del Alba



autism, speech therapy intervention, parents, school integration, perception, communicative skills, language skills, diffusion


Introduction: The purpose of this research is to determinate the perception of the parents of students with Autism about the role of the speech therapist, because an enormous lack of knowledge has been evident on the part of different members of the educational communities. Methodology: Using a quantitative paradigm, a non-experimental-cross-sectional design and a descriptive-comparative scope, 30 parents were surveyed, corresponding to 2 groups. The first one were parents of children with Autism and the second one were parents of children without Special Educational Needs. Results: The results indicate that 13,3% believe that the speech therapist doesn’t participate in areas of communication, while 3,3% of parents of children with Autism have the same beliefs.  Regarding the support of the speech therapist for development of linguistic and communication skills, 33,3% of parents indicate that this professional is not qualified to develop these skills. Discussion: From this, a generalized lack of knowledge is evident regarding the role of speech therapist in the development of these skills. Conclusions: It is recommended to conduct future research with larger samples and in different educational contexts to confirm and expand the finding of this study.


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Author Biographies

María Soledad Sandoval Zúñiga, Universidad del Alba

Translator in Foreign Languages, University of Concepción, Concepción (2002). Master in Applied Linguistics, University of Concepción, Concepción (2006). PhD in Applied Linguistics, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción (2011). He has worked as a teacher in the area of Linguistics in the careers of Speech Therapy and Special Education and in the area of Research Methodology in the careers of Speech Therapy and Kinesiology in different universities in the Bío Bío and Ñuble Regions, Chile. Currently, he holds the position of teacher-researcher at the Universidad del Alba, whose function is to teach classes in the aforementioned areas and careers, in addition to publishing in indexed journals, participating in national and international conferences and directing internal research projects.

Alejandro Ignacio Núñez Grandón, Universidad del Alba

Speech therapist, Universidad del Desarrollo, Concepción (2013). Master in Education with mention in curriculum and evaluation, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chillán (2020). She has worked as a teacher in the area of voice in the career of Speech Therapy at the Universidad del Alba and in private subsidized schools in the Bío Bío and Ñuble Regions, Chile.
Currently, he is a teacher at the Universidad del Alba, whose function is to teach classes, guide research work and professional practice in the area and career mentioned; in addition, the position of speech therapist in school integration project of the Escuela Particular de las Mariposas, Chillán.


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How to Cite

Sandoval Zúñiga, M. S., & Núñez Grandón, A. I. (2025). Perception of Autism students’ parents about the role of Speech Therapist. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.


