AI and Influencers: The use of artificial intelligence to perpetuate gender stereotypes and the hypersexualization of women




influencer, Artifical Intelligence, influencer marketing, engagement, stereotypes, instagram, algorithmic mediation, gender


Abstract: Artificial intelligence has impacted influencer marketing, using generative AI to create hyper-realistic figures that simulate real influencers and perpetuate gender stereotypes Objective: To corroborate that AI uses Instagram data to perpetuate gender roles Methodology: We have carried out mixed methodologies research, mixing case studies with content analysis, analyzing profiles of different influencers. Results: Through the analysis, we have been able to glimpse that the engagement generated by women's profiles responds to the different stereotypes of gender and that generative AI has replicated that system according to its objective. Conclusions: Our research is corroborated since we have been able to see through our analysis that the generation of content by AI is based on the tendency of users and brands to create content around the social construction of the ideal of a woman.


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Author Biographies

Rocio Torrronteras Manzano, European University of Madrid

Responsible for University Life at the Vice-Rectorate for Students and University Life at the European University of Madrid, she has a degree in Protocol and Events Organisation, as well as in the Application of Technologies for Innovation in Communication. She is currently working on her PhD at the Universidad Europea with the intention of investigating the effect that social networks as new media have had on the psychosocial development of women.

Lucia Andaluz Antón, European University of Madrid

Lucía Andaluz Antón, director of the Department of Online Programmes in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the European University of Madrid, holds a PhD in Biomedicine and Health Sciences from the same university. Her research focuses on the dissemination of hoaxes in social networks, new media and journalistic verification. She has participated in projects on the integration of the migrant population in Madrid and is a member of research groups on digital rhetoric and legal analysis of cultural manifestations. His publications focus on topics such as visual manipulation, the representation of migration on Twitter and fact-checking tools for the verification of information.

Ignacio Sacaluga Rodríguez, European University of Madrid

Lecturer in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad Europea. PhD accredited in Communication in all its forms. MBA in Business Management and MU in Digital Journalism. Six-year research period from ANECA. He has been Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Director of the Communication Area for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies, and Director of Postgraduate Development at the UEM. Two decades of teaching experience in Undergraduate and Postgraduate, professionally he has scripted, directed or presented TV programmes for Telemadrid, Antena 3TV and laOtra. In film, he has written and directed three feature documentaries for which he has received national and international recognition. He is a member of the Academia Cine de España and his research interests are in the fields of Communication, Educommunication and Neurocommunication.


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How to Cite

Torrronteras Manzano, R., Andaluz Antón, L., & Sacaluga Rodríguez, I. (2025). AI and Influencers: The use of artificial intelligence to perpetuate gender stereotypes and the hypersexualization of women. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.



Research and Artificial Intelligence