Impact of burnout and work stress in audiovisual production companies in Ecuador: an investigative approach




burnout, content creators, job satisfaction, stress, digital work, chronic job stress, occupational burnout, audiovisual producers


Introduction: This study focuses on identifying the variables that contribute to burnout among content creators and how these variables are interrelated. Key factors identified were job satisfaction, hours worked per week, number of daily productions, and experience in the field. The objective of this research was to analyze the relationships between these variables and how they influence the perception of burnout among digital content creators. Methodology: A descriptive and correlational methodology with a cross-sectional design was used, employing a structured questionnaire with closed questions that allowed obtaining quantitative data. The target population was digital content creators in Ecuador, with a sample of 150 participants. Results: The results revealed that content creators have an average age of approximately 30 years and an average experience of 3.66 years. These professionals work an average of 45 hours per week, participating in 2.37 productions per day. Discussion: The analysis showed a significant inverse relationship between job satisfaction and perceived burnout. However, no significant correlation was found between hours worked and burnout. Conclusions: In conclusion, improving job satisfaction could be an effective strategy to mitigate burnout.


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Author Biographies

Hernán Yaguana Romero, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

PhD in Communication and Journalism Universidad Santiago de Compostela - Spain. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Communication and Journalism Universidad Santiago de Compostela - Spain. Degree in Social Communication Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador. Undergraduate and graduate university professor (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja) and undergraduate at the universities: Casa Grande and ULEAM. Author of some texts related to his professional profile.

Juan Pablo Arrobo-Agila, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

PhD in Communication from the University of Huelva-Spain. Master in Educational Management and Leadership, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) in 2014. His line of research is Communication and Audiovisual Culture: the image, its meaning and new audiovisual narratives. Reviewer of national and international journals. He has published scientific articles, chapters and books. His publications and research include, “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN SOUND NARRATIVE. A CASE STUDY”, (Journal ANALISI Q2, 2022). “The role of social networks in natural disasters. The case of Facebook and the 2016 Ecuador earthquake”, (RISTI Journal. WMETACOM 2021). Coordinator of the books: Horizons in the education of social communicators (2022).


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How to Cite

Yaguana Romero, H., & Arrobo-Agila, J. P. (2024). Impact of burnout and work stress in audiovisual production companies in Ecuador: an investigative approach. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



Research articles