Psicología y literatura: algunas reflexiones sobre Doña rosita la soltera de García Lorca




Federico García Lorca, Psichology, Literature, Doña Rosita la soltera, Symbolism, Rose, drama, Eros and Thanatos


Introduction: This study presents one of the 20th century’s most original and complex figures, writer Federico García Lorca (1898-1936). Through an in-depth psychological analysis of Lorca’s poetics, particularly his drama Doña Rosita la Soltera, the study aims to show that the characters created by Lorca may represent fragmented aspects of his own personality that project themselves, even unconsciously, onto the narrative. Methodology: The approach is based on the Psychology of Art and Literature, as developed by Professor Antonio Fusco, which involves investigating the psychological motivations behind the author’s creation of specific characters and scenarios. Results: The analysis reveals the impact of key life episodes on García Lorca, profoundly influencing his thoughts and leading to a realistic and pessimistic worldview. Discussion: Critical interpretative reflections are provided throughout, exploring the thematic opposition of Eros and Thanatos as essential to Lorca’s narrative. Conclusions: The study concludes that Lorca’s personal experiences significantly shaped his worldview, rendering it fragile and deeply infused with a stark vision of reality.


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Author Biographies

Rosella Tomassoni, Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Rosella Tomassoni is Professor of General Psychology at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Vice-Rector for Enabling Education and President of C.U.D.A.R.I. (University Centre for Differently Abled People Research Innovation). Former Director of the Department of Human and Social Sciences and Humanities, Academic Senator and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Member of the Board of Italian Academic Psychology, member of the Russian Academy of Human Sciences, member of the I.A.E.A., A.I.P and I.A.A.P., she is the author of numerous essays and articles on General Psychology and Psychology of Art and Literature, translated into various languages.

Francesco Spilabotte, Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Francesco Spilabotte graduated in Modern Languages and Literature and in Pedagogical Sciences with honours. He has produced several scientific publications in international journals in the field of Clinical Psychology and the Psychology of Art and Literature in collaboration with Professor Rosella Tomassoni, Professor of Psychology. He has written articles on art, culture and religion in newspapers and magazines. In 2022 he won the Master's Degree Award at the University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale. In 2023, he wrote the preface to the book La Balada de Caperucita come sguardo pedagogico sulla poesia di Federico García Lorca. He currently works as an educator, pedagogist and Subject Expert in the Psychology of Creativity.


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How to Cite

Tomassoni, R., & Spilabotte, F. (2024). Psicología y literatura: algunas reflexiones sobre Doña rosita la soltera de García Lorca. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13.

