Hypersensitivity in Gifted Students: A Comparative Study in Primary Education





Hypersensitivity, High Sensitivity, Highly Sensitive Person, Giftedness, Intelligence, Gifted Education, Gender, Primary Education


Introduction: This study investigates the relationship between High Intellectual Abilities (HIA) and hypersensitivity in primary school children, as well as gender differences in hypersensitivity. Methodology: A non-experimental comparative design was employed. The sample included 62 primary school students from the Community of Madrid, of whom 48.4% were diagnosed with HIA. The HSPS and EPAS-A scales were used to measure hypersensitivity. Results: Students with HIA showed significantly higher levels of sensitivity compared to their peers without HIA. Differences were significant across all dimensions of the EPAS-A, with greater depth of processing, emotional reactivity, sensitivity to nuances and subtleties, and overstimulation in students with HIA. Additionally, girls showed higher levels of sensitivity than boys. Conclusions: It is crucial to recognize and address the specific needs of students with HIA and hypersensitivity to support their emotional and academic development. The gender differences in hypersensitivity suggest that differentiated approaches should be considered in educational interventions. Creating an appropriate educational and emotional environment can foster the integral development of these students.


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Author Biographies

Vanesa Sainz Lopez, Francisco de Vitoria University

Contracted Professor and Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at Francisco de Vitoria University. She holds a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master's in Educational Guidance, an Expert Certificate in University Teaching, and a Doctorate in Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She is the principal investigator of the Research Group on Diversity Attention, Inclusion, and Educational Support (ADIAE). Her research focuses on the areas of emotional health, psychology, coexistence, bullying prevention, and social justice in the educational context.

Cristina Campos Peña, Francisco de Vitoria University

Graduate in Primary Education with a Specialization in Foreign Language from Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid. Diploma in Inclusive Diversity Attention Focused on the Individual. C2 level in English according to the CEFR scale. Her research focuses on giftedness and hypersensitivity.


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How to Cite

Sainz Lopez, V., & Campos Peña, C. (2025). Hypersensitivity in Gifted Students: A Comparative Study in Primary Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1030



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