Is the distinction between truth and post-truth relevant?




truth, post-truth, freedom, politics, democracy, knowledge society, information society, trivialization


Introduction: Although the concept of post-truth is relatively recent, it reflects a phenomenon as long-lived as politics itself. Manipulation and lies have always been present in the political spaces of social interaction, in this sense, the present is distinguished by the scope and speed with which post-truth discourses take place. Methodology: From a critical and reflective analysis of various authors who have theorised on the phenomenon of post-truth, we discuss, from a philosophical approach, the difficulties that this phenomenon poses for the development of Western democracies. Results: From the bibliographical review carried out, there is a certain tendency, on the one hand, to recognise the phenomenon of post-truth as a social and complex phenomenon. On the other hand, consider that post-truth leads to the deterioration of democracies in the West.  Conclusions: From the above we conclude that the concept of post-truth needs to be dynamited. The development and consolidation of real democracies is only possible if citizens are able to exercise their freedom and autonomy, attributes that have been directly undermined by the post-truth culture.


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Author Biography

Karina Silva-García, Catholic University of Uruguay

D. in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the University of Valladolid, Spain. Professor in the area of History and Philosophy of Science. Member of the National System of Researchers, Level I. He has devoted himself to teaching and research in history and philosophy of science with several academic publications in the area. He has recently dedicated himself to the analysis of the post-truth phenomenon as a continuation of his doctoral research.


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How to Cite

Silva-García, K. (2024). Is the distinction between truth and post-truth relevant?. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13.

