The importance of Static projects in Civil Engineering training




static, civil engineering, students, project-based learning, PBL, academic performance, group work, student satisfaction


Introduction: University students in the early stages of their studies face difficulties in practically applying content, especially in subjects like Statics. In Statics, students become familiar with vector analysis of forces to study isostatic structures and determine internal forces that occur in structural elements. Methodology: The project-based learning methodology was applied. Students were organized into groups of five members. In the second week of class, they chose topics and objectives. In the following weeks, they presented progress in their group work. Finally, in the eighth week, they showcased their projects. Result: The students were able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, understand the concepts, and develop skills to solve problems in the field of civil engineering. Teamwork was encouraged, and creativity was fostered, while the teacher provided guidance and feedback on learning. Discussion: Similar to other research that applied Project-Based Learning (PBL), timely teacher support motivated students to present orderly progress, and students demonstrated commitment to their learning and satisfaction with the development. Conclusions: The application of the project-based learning methodology in the Statics subject proved to be an effective pedagogical strategy, motivating newly enrolled students and promoting organized group work.


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Author Biography

Ana Paulina Ortiz Viñán, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Civil Engineer year 1999, Master in Road Engineering year 2017, has held positions in public institutions: Technical Municipality of Zamora canton period 2000-2001, Technical Constructora QUIPAEN year 2002, Controller of civil works in the Provincial Council of Loja period 2003-2005, Technical Municipal Transit Unit of Loja period 2005-2010, Head Municipal Transit Unit period 2010-2014, Technical Municipal Public Works period 2015. Teacher Researcher of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja from October 2015 to the present, of some subjects such as: Strength of Materials, Structures, Concrete, Construction Technology, Strength of Materials, Statics.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Viñán, A. P. (2024). The importance of Static projects in Civil Engineering training. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

