Charting the Course to Doubt Certainty: Education as a Lighthouse in the Ocean of Certainty




uncertainly, thought, education, Edgar Morin, systems, cycle, dialectical logic, holographic principle


Introduction: Uncertainty, often underestimated in education, is actually a valuable source of learning and personal growth, driving exploration, adaptation, and innovation. Methodology: Edgar Morin (1921- ), a philosopher and sociologist, believed that education should teach how to face uncertainty, reflect, question, and expose ideas with courage. His approach to complexity highlights the importance of addressing concepts such as systems, cycles, dialectical logic, and holography to go beyond the simple transmission of knowledge. Results: Human history is a complex narrative marked by intermittence and change. Education is crucial for promoting dialogue and respect for cultural diversity, avoiding distortions and promoting mutual understanding. Conclusions: Education is the driving force behind a revolution in thought, allowing adults to develop new skills and perspectives during times of crisis. By equipping them to understand the complexity of humanity and face uncertainty, education must transform for the benefit of life.


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Author Biography

Qing qing Zhou, University of Salamanca

D. student at the University of Salamanca, where she is working on her thesis entitled Tejiendo mundos rurales: un enfoque comparativo entre Juan Rulfo y Yan Lianke a través del pensamiento complejo (Weaving rural worlds: a comparative approach between Juan Rulfo and Yan Lianke through complex thought). She is part of the PhD programme Spanish: advanced research in language and literature. Her research, directed by Dr. Eva Guerrero Guerrero, delves into the complex thought of Edgar Morin.
Inspired by Morin's ideas, Zhou has conceived an article entitled Towards Uncertainty: Education as a Lighthouse in the Ocean of Certainty. In this paper, Zhou applies Morin's principles, such as systems and dialectical logic, to develop a multidimensional analysis in both her thesis and her proposed article on education.


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How to Cite

Zhou, Q. qing. (2025). Charting the Course to Doubt Certainty: Education as a Lighthouse in the Ocean of Certainty. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


